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The Growth of America as a World Power. Imperialism  Def: When nations with strong armies & navies create empires by dominating nations without them.

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Presentation on theme: "The Growth of America as a World Power. Imperialism  Def: When nations with strong armies & navies create empires by dominating nations without them."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Growth of America as a World Power

2 Imperialism  Def: When nations with strong armies & navies create empires by dominating nations without them.

3 Why Imperialism?  Between founding and the late 1800s, America (mostly) follows a policy of isolationism.  Why did America abandon isolationist policy?

4 Why Imperialism?  Economic Reasons: – Need Raw Materials for American Industry – Markets For Overproduced American Goods – American Business Invest in Other Countries U. S. Foreign Investments: 1869-1908

5 Why Imperialism?  Nationalist Reasons & Racism: – Social Darwinism Some races are inherently smarter and more advanced than others. “Higher” races have a “responsibility” to “civilize” less advanced ones. White Man’s Burden

6 Why Imperialism?  Military: Industrialization makes European Countries (& the US) far more powerful than those in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Steam-Powered warships require bases to refuel. Alfred Thayer Mahan “Sea Power”

7 Why Imperialism?  Diplomacy: The United States still enforces the Monroe Doctrine. –America is “responsible” for countries in the W. Hemisphere. The “New Diplomacy” – aka “Gunboat Diplomacy”

8 Why Imperialism?  Expansion: – Fulfillment of Manifest Destiny – Where to Continue Expanding? Alaska (“Seward’s Folly”) The Pacific (Japan, Phillipines, & Hawaii)

9 Imperialism: Effects?  Conflict: Other Imperialist Nations 1898: War With Spain 1914: World War I 1941: World War II  Conflict: Colonized Peoples 1. Latin American Interventions 2. Philippine Insurrection Hearst to a Reporter: “You supply the pictures, I’ll supply the war.”

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