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How does fixing domestic problems(political corruption, factory conditions) help us solidify our position as a world power by 1914? Standards Addressed:

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Presentation on theme: "How does fixing domestic problems(political corruption, factory conditions) help us solidify our position as a world power by 1914? Standards Addressed:"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does fixing domestic problems(political corruption, factory conditions) help us solidify our position as a world power by 1914? Standards Addressed: 2. 8.3.12 C. Evaluate how continuity and change has influenced United States history from 1890 to Present. D. identify and evaluate conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in United States history from 1890 to the Present. Essential Question: How does American Imperialism add on to the problems the world is facing at the brink of World War I?

2 American Imperialism 1880s-World War I Create a political cartoon that includes references to ALL of the following and explains the effects of American Imperialism: Cuba Philippines Hawai’iAlaska GuamPuerto Rico ___/9 historically accurate. Creates reference to without being “obvious”. Makes a point about the impact of US imperialism on the rest of the world. Uses actual events, documents and ideas from history to incorporate all places above and link it to the impact of Imperialism ___/ 1 Cartoon is colored or outlined. On a sheet of unlined paper.

3 American Imperialism 1880s-World War I Create a political cartoon that includes references to ONE of the following and explains the effects of American Imperialism: Cuba Philippines Hawai’iAlaska GuamPuerto Rico ___/9 historically accurate. Creates reference to without being “obvious”. Makes a point about the impact of US imperialism on the rest of the world. Uses actual events, documents and ideas from history to incorporate all places above and link it to the impact of Imperialism ___/ 1 Cartoon is colored or outlined. On a sheet of unlined paper.

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