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BG 4 - 5 471.23 Fall 2015 Bruce Duggan Providence University College.

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Presentation on theme: "BG 4 - 5 471.23 Fall 2015 Bruce Duggan Providence University College."— Presentation transcript:

1 BG 4 - 5 471.23 Fall 2015 Bruce Duggan Providence University College

2 Projects 1.Trucking 2.Vehicle and waste recycling up north 3.Rural transit on Hwy 75 Which project group do you want to be involved in for the next month?

3 Projects 1.Trucking EVERYONE read (by last Friday):   those in project group & anyone else interested  webinar Monday October 19 th from 12 noon to 1:30 »presented by the Transportation Research Board’s Standing Committee on Characteristics of Asphalt Paving Mixtures to Meet Structural Requirements, Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Pavement Sections, and Flexible Pavement DesignTransportation Research Board »about a study to assess the impact of new-generation wide-base tires (WBT) on pavements »opportunity to meet Terry Shaw, Executive Director, Manitoba Trucking Association

4 Projects 2.Vehicle and waste recycling up north EVERYONE  field trip to a meeting next Friday Oct 16 »12:30 – 2:00 »Social Enterprise Centre 2 nd floor » nipeg/@49.9052874,-97.1327586,16z nipeg/@49.9052874,-97.1327586,16z »in building labelled “Manitoba Green Retrofit” on Google Maps  attendance is required unless you have a conflict with another class that you cannot avoid

5 Projects 2.Vehicle and waste recycling up north meeting agenda: 1. Review of potential First Nations who might partner on this project. 2. Plan to approach each one. 3. Discussion of options for ownership and board structures. 4. Preliminary decision (if a consensus emerges) on what seems like the best ownership and board structure. 5. Possible actions we could take this winter: »at St. Theresa Point »at Garden Hill »at other First Nations in the Island Lakes region 6. Possible actions we could take this spring, summer, and fall 7. Equipment needs »at St. Theresa Point »elsewhere 8. Building needs »at St Theresa Point »elsewhere 9. Training needs »at St Theresa Point »elsewhere 10. Potential integration with Product Recycling Organizations (MARRC) 11. Review of potential funding sources

6 Projects 2.Vehicle recycling  those in this project group read before then: materials/vehicle%20sa lvage/ materials/vehicle%20sa lvage/  4 documents beginning with “STP…”  try to boil down: capital purchases needed expenses  staffing  consumables (fuel, etc)  equipment leasing  equipment maint & repair  transportation south revenues  salvageable for sale  Shortfall per vehicle average per load average per 100 vehicles average

7 Projects 3.rural transit on Hwy 75 EVERYONE read by next Tuesday  project group  expect to be asked to write a proposal similar to this for the Hwy 79 corridor  Read by next Tuesday: » ort%20Rosenort%20Community%20Alternative%20Flood%20Rou te.pdf ort%20Rosenort%20Community%20Alternative%20Flood%20Rou te.pdf

8 Laws & Markets Why isn’t the market free? Baron ch 12

9 Sections 1.Common law 2.Property 3.Intellectual property 4.Contacts

10 Sections 1.Common law  English  adversarial  judgments evidence arguments precedents

11 Sections 1.Common law 2.Property 3.Intellectual property 4.Contacts

12 2.Property always  argued over  poorly understood never  absolute “the right to control”

13 2.Property consensus ccapitalism impossible unless property rights are: agreed easy to administer alienable

14 rationale for alienability  use as collateral  exchange for money buyer will use property better seller will use money better Why are First Nations people poor?

15 $80 80 acres @ $1/acre Wealth of society? $160

16 $80 80 acres @ $1/acre 2 bushels @ $1/bushel $2 profit Wealth of society?$164 Growth?2.5%

17 80 acres @ $1/acre $80 4 bushels @ $1/bushel $4 profit Wealth of society? $168 GDP? 5% Flaws?

18 Sections 1.Common law 2.Property 3.Intellectual property 4.Contracts

19 3.Intellectual Property rationale  not “it’s fair”  but “it’s beneficial”  incentive to create  use of ideas

20 3.Intellectual Property rationale  incentive to create  manufacture develop  increase value

21 3.Intellectual Property rationale  appropriability depends on how easy for others to replicate? how strong is protection? “appropriating extractmoney from others using it rents”

22 3.IP : P2P Appropriability COST OF REPLICATION lowhigh PROTECTION loose tight strongmoderate weak

23 3.IP protection  copyright  patents  licensing  trade secrets  trademarks

24 Sections 1.Common law 2.Property 3.Intellectual property 4.Contracts

25  purpose assurances reliance  only exists if both parties have agreed  future focus “to draw together”

26 4.Contracts elements  offer  acceptance  consideration “I gave you something to get you to promise…and you gave me something.”  satisfaction  when the contract’s “done”  no longer exists exists

27 4.Contracts  general principles whatever was agreed to balance of probabilities remedies, not punishments minimal costs

28 4.Contracts  both common law & statutes

29 Social efficiency  the product safety problem  entitlements  liabilities

30 Product Safety Costs less safemore safe $ injury costs safety costs total costs

31 Why isn’t the market free?

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