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Setup/RunControl Andrei and Giovanna. Setup Requirements (Feb 2002, by Sergei) DAQ Active state: DAQ is ready to accept RC commands from Operator DAQ.

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Presentation on theme: "Setup/RunControl Andrei and Giovanna. Setup Requirements (Feb 2002, by Sergei) DAQ Active state: DAQ is ready to accept RC commands from Operator DAQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setup/RunControl Andrei and Giovanna

2 Setup Requirements (Feb 2002, by Sergei) DAQ Active state: DAQ is ready to accept RC commands from Operator DAQ Inactive state (assumed that all h/w in installed and properly connected, PCs loaded etc.) Setup and Shutdown – procedures to move DAQ from Active to Inactive state and back.

3 Setup requirements - general UR001-004 – Use of Configuration DB for: description of a partition, dependencies, setup/recovery actions and error conditions. UR005,006 – initialize and shutdown a partition UR007 – operate on several partitions in parallel UR008 – initialize and shutdown a single DAQ component UR009 – verify h/w used by the partition UR010 – quite, trace and profiling 'output modes' UR011 – interactive and automatic operational mode UR012,013 – user GUI, reflecting the state of partition UR014 – GUI for browsing log information produced by a partition UR015 – GUI for editing setup/shutdown dependencies

4 User Requirements - recover UR016 – recognize and report failure with a DAQ component UR017 – try to recover from a failure, if recover procedure is defined UR018 – use DVS to diagnose the problem if recover procedure is not defined or does not work UR019 – in case of unrecoverable failure setup should stop and ask user for shutdown option

5 User Reqs: logging and sequrity UR020 – log information produced by DAQ components UR021 – log all performed setup/shutdown actions, qualified with timestamps UR022 – log all failures and recovery actions, including DVS output UR023 – use of user access control UR024 – setup should deny initialization of resources allocated from another partition UR025 – editing the setup configuration must be protected by user access rights

6 OkCustomizable coreIr004 OkInterface to be imported in all appsIR002 OkSkeletonIR001 Difficult to measure…Performance requirementsPR001-003 Partially okController failure no effect on controlled items RR001 Limited reconfiguration possible today. Quality of service concept missing Configuration and configuration changes UR401-405 Many hooks, no uniform approachError reception and handlingUR301-307 Ok, extra synchronization to be implementedState Transitions and statesUR201-204 Ok, shared on setup, DSA and LCProcess managementUR101-105 Not implemented.Lock resourcesUR012 Partially okRun interactivelyUR011 Ok in LCQueue commandsUR007 To be done (except shutdown…)Interrupt commandsUR006 OkRefuse commandsUR005 OkDistribute commandsUR004 Ok in SetupTest before usingUR002 Ok1-to-1 with SegmentUR001 Controller Requirements


8 Setup: implementation

9 Implemented functionality replacement of play_daq, based on DVS and ConfDB can make partial setup and re-setup (“recover” setup) if a Segment is attached restarting of failed applications IDL interface, used from IGUI IGUI embeds setup panel which reflects status of infrastructure

10 Setup IDL booleanstatus () ; void get_components (out Component comp) ; longsubscribe (in callback cb) ; voidunsubscribe (in long handler); ComponentStatussetup_component (in string component_name); voidreset_component (in string component_name); voidabort () ; void shutdown_component (in string component_name); ComponentStatus setup_partition (); boolean shutdown_partition ();

11 Setup logic Setup: setupComponent() DVS: verifyComponent() PMG: startApplication() - shares verification rules with DVS - extends verification with setup/recovery via PMG (DVS core + PMG Client + more rules) - implemented on the same CLIPS framework as DVS

12 Setup sequence setup script: verify database launch setup_server for partition launch IGUI for partition setup server (implementing IDL): verify/setup global infrastructure verify/setup partition IPC server if Setup is already registered in the partition, exit register in partition IPC, wait for commands from IGUI on command, verify/setup/shutdown infrastructure

13 The DSA Diagnostic Supervisor Application/Agent… Did you know it? Diagnostic Supervisor Application/Agent… Did you know it?

14 DSA: the history Diagnostics System Verification Component Supervision Component DAQ Supervisor DSA ?

15 Scope? Not completely clear but that’s what it does… Process management of all controlled applications (NOT online servers) defined in configuration database for a Partition, taking into account: –When to start/stop them –Dependencies in start/stop sequence –If they shall be automatically restarted when they fail/die

16 Implementation Basically an “intelligent” PMG client: –Navigate through Partition configuration –Subscribe to changes in configuration for Partition, Segments, Applications, Resources, RunControlApplications (reload of DB only when in Idle state) –Build dependency tree of apps to be started/stopped –Restart apps –If DSA crashes and is restarted it recovers to previous state (true?) –Publish state in IS and send messages to MRS

17 The Online Run Control

18 Scope Model system according to a finite state machine Distribute commands in the control tree (in sequence or in parallel) Propagate error state in control tree Provide a c++ interface to subsystems to implement transition commands

19 Implementation Basically an intelligent command dispatcher: –Builds up list of children from configuration DB –Keeps track if child left/joined control tree –Publishes state in IS –Refuses illegal transition commands and all commands while busy –Root Controller extension updates run parameters, interprets “end of run” message, etc…

20 Implementation of DSA and RC Very similar, based on the same core Mixture of C++/Java and the CLIPS expert system 3 layer approach: –Language bindings –Proxy –Rules

21 Language Bindings This layer is concerned with the integration to other Online Software components. Functionality provided by the components client API is wrapped and made accessible to the CLIPS language. The language bindings are grouped in external shared libraries. They can be loaded dynamically and provide their features on demand. It is foreseen to develop a comprehensive set of language bindings that encompass main Online Software functionality. Development of such language bindings require detailed knowledge of Online Software and the mechanism of CLIPS language bindings.

22 Proxy In this layer external entities, such as applications, run-controllers or other entities of the TDAQ system, are modelled as objects. Typically these objects are proxy objects: on one hand they forward commands to an external application and on the other hand they mirror the state of the external application by subscribing some information. This feature makes the state of an external entity available to the expert system. It is foreseen to develop a set of prepared proxy objects for common uses in the online software. Development of specialised objects requires knowledge of the online software concepts and some knowledge of the CLIPS language.


24 Rules In this layer the rules are defined which provide the logic for the application. The rules steer the interaction between the objects and drive the application. Development of specialised rules requires knowledge on the proxy objects and some knowledge of the CLIPS language. It is expected that a detector or subsystem expert could customise actions on this layer to perform some system specific tasks. Example: 1: (defrule do-something-on-controller-error 2: (object (is-a RUN-CONTROLLER) (NAME ?name) (STATUS ERROR)) 3: => 4: (printout t ‘Controller’ ?name ‘is in error state’ crlf) 5: )

25 Assessment Good Layering of “service tools” and “intelligence” Rules and facts can be changed without (re)- compilation IPC communication mechanism Not very Good Separation of process management and run control (-> synchronization between DSA and RC states) No clear way of receiving errors and handling them Open for discussion: How many rules can be added before a system becomes unmanageable? Can we really expect users to play around with an expert system? If we go for an expert system we will probably need to define a way for users to specify rules and facts which is independent of the expert system syntax. (if this happens, do that…)

26 Local Controller

27 Scope Extend Online RC (in 2001 there was only a fixed c++ API to implement commands; expert system appeared in 2003) for ROS Serve as: –Configuration server –Process manager (very similar to DSA) –Command dispatcher (rc commands, operational monitoring, event sampling) –Error handler Unique Interface between online software and ROS Minimal constraints on controlled items (simple, lightweight interfaces)

28 Historical Evolution UR to have apps not using online software tools removed (evolution of platforms, better comprehension of system) Local Controller has become general purpose leaf controller (DF, HLT, ROD Crate DAQ) UR to control directly some hardware items instead of apps not used (DF, HLT and detectors prefer to work on their own apps, for easier debugging, standalone running, etc…)

29 Implementation Extends rc interface C++ based, with runtime plug-in library for error handling Extended use of RO infrastructure libraries (threads, factory for dynamic loading of libs, smart pointers, queues, mutexes, conditional variables, error format/catcher/handler, …) Uses IPC for communication between apps and controller, PMG for process management, DB for configuration One direction for commands Opposite direction for errors Provides main loop for controlled apps Controlled apps can run in interactive mode with special command-line option

30 Controlled App main { MySubSystemItem pippo(string name); ItemCtrl lucy(*pippo, interactiveMode,…); lucy->run(); exit(0); } ItemCtrl sets up path to receive commands and to send errors. Errors are all DFError objects and carry information for later handling. Failure of synchronous commands is reported by throwing an exception (DFError created from exception and handled like other errors).

31 Assessment Good Direct process management of controlled apps Easily customizable hooks for error handling Interface to controlled apps allows to run them interactively Bad/Obsolete Heavier than necessary (done to satisfy initial requirements) Synchronous implementation of communication Within one transition command can only be dispatched to all controlled items in parallel

32 Summary Large part of functionality requested is there, though scattered Clear need to rationalize –Interface to subsystems for: Error reporting and handling Command distribution Process management –Configuration changes –Use of expert system –Use of DVS for tests

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