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Plan for Today: Neo-Marxist Approaches and Postcolonial Theory

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1 Plan for Today: Neo-Marxist Approaches and Postcolonial Theory
Neo-Marxist explanations for Third World underdevelopment. Dependency theory. World Systems theory. Postcolonial theory: Said on Orientalism.

2 Marxist IR Approaches: Dependency Theory
Andre Gunder Frank Hypotheses: Metropoles develop; satellites underdevelop. Satellites develop when ties with metropoles weakest. Most underdeveloped regions today had closest ties to metropole in past.

3 Marxist IR Approaches: Dependency Theory
How metropoles subjugate satellites: Foreign investment in poor countries limited to extractive industries. Westernizing domestic elites in poor countries.

4 Marxist IR Approaches: Critiques of Dependency Theory
No direct relationship between states’ reliance on extractive industries and poverty/ underdevelopment. Why do some satellite states escape (NICs)?

5 Neo-Marxist IR Approaches: World Systems Theory
Immanuel Wallerstein. Accepts dependency theory’s division of world into regions with development uneven and benefiting rich. But rejects idea of feasible alternative to integration with world capitalist system.

6 Neo-Marxist IR Approaches: World Systems Theory
Combines elements of realism with Marxism. International system has division of labor with three regions: Core: powerful industrialized states. Periphery: weak states providing raw materials to core. Semiperiphery: mixture of core and periphery (NICs).

7 Neo-Marxist IR Approaches: World Systems Theory
Adds idea that states important: Help capitalism to maximize production. Somewhat autonomous from bourgeoisie. Not only under capitalism; also earlier. Less emphasis on class struggle than standard Marxism. Criticized for sense of inevitability – no room for escape.

8 Neo-Marxism vs. Modernization Theory
Modernization theory: “traditional” vs. “modern” societies. 3rd world problem is bad traditional cultures. 3rd world inferior to West; needs to “catch up.” Development = Westernization. Neo-Marxism: West has systematically exploited 3rd world to destroy development capabilities.

9 Postcolonial Theory Used in many disciplines.
Tends toward postmodernism. Cultures/ groups define selves by defining “other” – opposite of what they are. Edward Said, Orientalism (1978). Western depictions of Arab world and Islam as dark, frightening, full of terrorists.

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