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Previous Units Development of the Modern Western World (Renaissance, Exploration, Mercantilism, Sci. Rev.) Development of the Eastern World (The East (China/Abbasid/Ottomans)

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Presentation on theme: "Previous Units Development of the Modern Western World (Renaissance, Exploration, Mercantilism, Sci. Rev.) Development of the Eastern World (The East (China/Abbasid/Ottomans)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Previous Units Development of the Modern Western World (Renaissance, Exploration, Mercantilism, Sci. Rev.) Development of the Eastern World (The East (China/Abbasid/Ottomans) most powerful civs. In the world pre 18 th century, Development of Islam, Spread of Islam and creation of Islamic Empire, Shia v. Sunni, Arab/Turkish/Persian cultures, Chinese Dynasties, The “Mongol Effect” on China, Persia, and Russia,…and later in India?) Revolution (Violent Political Revolutions, Revolutions of Thought (science/enlightenment), Industrial Revolution) Industrialization and Nationalism (Western European Domination (Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion), Rural to Urban demographic switch, Mass Production and creation of a consumer culture, Capitalism vs. Communism vs Fascism, Imperialism, Decolonization, Zionism, Marxism- fall of the Qing Empire/Ottoman Empire) World Wars (Causes of, Repercussions of…, end of modern era)

2 GLOBALIZATION (Post-Modern Era) 1- The Rise and Decline of the Cold War A- Two super power system B- Third World option C- Failure of Communism 2-Unilateralism and Capitalism A- Challenges to “ “ 3-Capitalism, Environmentalism, and Multilateralism A- an Uncertain Future

3 What Do You Already Know About the Cold War?

4 It was created while WWII was still going on (Capitalist and Communist don’t get along, Planning of the Peace (Yalta), Battle of Berlin) Communists and Capitalist are ideologically opposed to one another and both crave world domination USA and the West concede ground to USSR, and acknowledge their domination of Eastern Europe (beyond that they Work with the theory of containment) NATO, Marshall Plan are created to give teeth to the Truman doctrine and theory of containment, USSR counters with Warsaw Pact Nuclear Arms Race Countries around world choose sides Conflict turns violent quickly (Berlin Airlift, Nuclear testing, Espionage), spills over into Asia (also Mid East)

5 TODAY-What Should We Learn? We know how it started and who it involved. What other events were representative of the Cold War? What things took place world wide that were part of the Cold War, before the 1980’s? IT WAS GLOBAL CONFLICT ASIA MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA WESTERN HEMISPHERE EASTERN EUROPE AND RUSSIA

6 What other events were representative of the Cold War? You and your partner(s) will be assigned to a region of the world. Your job is to find and report on at least 3 conflicts that happened in your region that were directly or indirectly caused by the Cold War, from the time period of 1954-1980. We have room in the reserved in the Mini Lab, you have 30 minutes from the time I finish speaking to complete this assignment. GOOD LUCK!


8 What will We Learn from this assignment? The Cold War was a global conflict It was politically/socially/economically polarizing It was (sometimes/potentially/very) violent It showed itself in many different ways and effected regions even not directly involved in the conflict It both helped to create, but also inhibit globalization (similar to Imperialism)

9 Third World Option Define 1 st, 2 nd, and third worlds Pick 5-10 countries from the first, second, and third worlds and compare their current GDP and GDP per capita Analyze this information and form an opinion about what you think a country should have considered before choosing the third option vs. siding with the USA or USSR Why do you think so many countries chose the third option? (Use your history!)

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