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Models for Grouping Countries in the World A north/south model of classifying countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Models for Grouping Countries in the World A north/south model of classifying countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Models for Grouping Countries in the World A north/south model of classifying countries

2  Place the following countries in a group (1-5) based on their overall success, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst.  Canada, Algeria, Brazil, England, Russia, China, Japan, Egypt, Israel, Germany, Argentina, Portugal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, Australia, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, Saudi Arabia

3  Most countries can be grouped according to their level of social and economic development  More Developed = Higher Ranking 

4  Social Development: level of education, health care, legal system, life expectancy, rate of infant mortality, etc.

5  Economic Development: GDP (Gross Domestic Product), ratio of cars to people, per capita electrical power capacity, etc.

6 Terms such as Developed, Newly Industrialized and Developing have been used to group countries together based on similar social and economic development criteria.

7  1.) Developed Countries  Socially and economically  I.E. Canada, the US, Germany, France, Japan.

8  2.) Newly Industrialized Countries:  Identified based on economic characteristics  In transition from agriculture base to industrialized based.  I.E. India, China, Brazil and Mexico.

9  3.) Developing Countries  Moving towards progressive social/economic status  I.E. Bangladesh, Haiti, Ethiopia, etc…

10  Too general  Does not account for history  Can we have a world full of first world countries?

11  1.) First World Countries (Developed countries.  I.E. Canada, US, Germany, France, Netherlands, etc…)

12  2.) Second World Countries:  Those that were or are communist countries.  Similar social development, lacking economic development. (or vise versa)  I.E. China, Cuba, Russia, etc…

13 Corrupt governments Communism works in theory but not in practice Wealth is never evenly distributed

14  3.) Third World Countries (Newly Industrialized)  I.E. India, China, Brazil, etc…

15  4.) Fourth World Countries  Early stages of development  I.E. Rwanda, Swaziland, etc.

16  5.) Fifth World Countries  Little evidence of any transition beginning  Often affected by war, drought, corruption, and natural disasters  I.E. Haiti, Afghanistan, Congo, Somalia, etc.

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