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Titus Andronicus Vocabulary. Adversary  (n) an enemy, opponent  A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it.

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Presentation on theme: "Titus Andronicus Vocabulary. Adversary  (n) an enemy, opponent  A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Titus Andronicus Vocabulary

2 Adversary  (n) an enemy, opponent  A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it.

3 Alienate  (v) to turn away; to make indifferent or hostile  Gossiping is a bad habit that is bound to alienate you from your friends.

4 Coerce  (v) To compel, force  Dictators try to coerce their subjects into obedience by threatening them or their families with punishment

5 Craven  (adj) Cowardly; (n) a coward  It isn’t good to assume that those who refuse to fight in war is a craven who lacks patriotism.

6 Inclement  (adj) stormy, harsh, severe in attitude or action  During an inclement winter, the immense amount of snow may cause schools to close early.

7 Perpetuate  (v) to make permanent or long lasting.  If we continue to vote evil people into office, we will only perpetuate the stigma that the government is corrupt.

8 Sojourn  (n) a temporary stay; (v) to stay for a time.  If you go to Italy, even for a short sojourn, make sure you see the beautiful art!

9 Punitive  (adj) inflicting or aiming at punishment  The general led a punitive expedition against the rebel forces.

10 Scrupulous  (adj) exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled.  Scientists are trained to record their observations with scrupulous accuracy.

11 Expunge  (v) to erase, obliterate, destroy.  The judge ordered that the young boy’s record be expunge of all criminal offenses.

12 Entranced  To fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention.  The self-involved man sat entranced with his own picture.

13 Altruistic  (adj) unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others  Many charities are altruistic in nature because they help those in need and expect nothing in return.

14 Infallible  (adj). Free from error; absolutely dependable.  Some critics seem convinced that their expert knowledge makes them infallible judges of the quality of an artist’s work.

15 Clemency  (n) mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness  Many judges will show clemency to young adults who show that they made a mistake and are willing to change.

16 Squalid  (adj) filthy, wretched, debased  Many people who live in third world countries live in squalid homes.

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