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HTML Form Inputs. Creating a basic form <form> …content goes here… </form>

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Presentation on theme: "HTML Form Inputs. Creating a basic form <form> …content goes here… </form>"— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML Form Inputs

2 Creating a basic form <form> …content goes here… </form>

3 Controls  Text inputs  Check boxes  Radio buttons  Select menus  File selects  Buttons ( “submit”, “reset”, push) The majority of controls are created with “input” tag

4 Text input <form> </form> Type tell us what kind of control is Attribute of text input:  name  size  maxlength  value

5 Password: Textarea: attributes: cols, rows, wrap

6 Radio buttons Input tag and “radio” in type attribute Check buttons Input tag and “checkbox” in type attribute

7 Select Menus also called ”drop-down menus” <select name=“Somename” size=“3” value1 value1 value2 value2 value3 value3 value4 value4 value5 value5 how many visible at once

8 Submenus Monday morning Monday morning Monday afternoon Monday afternoon </optgroup> Tuesday morning Tuesday morning Tuesday afternoon Tuesday afternoon </optgroup></select>

9 File uploads <form> </form>

10 Buttons  Submit - when pressed, this button processes the form type=“submit”  Reset - when pressed, this button resets all the form’s fields back to their initial values type=“reset”  (Push) Buttons - when pressed, an action or event is triggered, based on a predefined script or function type=“button”

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