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Grade 7 Data analysis 7SP1, 7SP2 MMS lesson 1, 2 and 3 mean, mode, median, range, outliers.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 7 Data analysis 7SP1, 7SP2 MMS lesson 1, 2 and 3 mean, mode, median, range, outliers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 7 Data analysis 7SP1, 7SP2 MMS lesson 1, 2 and 3 mean, mode, median, range, outliers

2 Measures of central tendency  The mean is a number that can represent the centre of a set of numbers. The mode is the number that occurs most often. Each measure is considered an average. You will most often hear the mean refered to as your average.  If you had test scores of 70%, 80% 90% and 90%. To find the mean you would add them up 70+80+90 +90=330. divide 330 by 4 (there are four numbers 70,80,90,90) 82.5 is your average score. The mode would be 90 as it appears most often.

3 How to find the mean median, mode and range  The Mean is a measure of central tendency. It doesn’t refer to being ANGRY ! ?v=EpZIIW8uqDc&playnext=1& list=PL6044884F97FECCAE Listen to all three parts of the video. Pause the video as you need.

4 Yes it’s time ! You know it TIME TO SING about it  Click on the link hear a song about the mean, median and mode !  /watch?v=oNdVynH6hcY &feature=related /watch?v=oNdVynH6hcY &feature=related  (Yes Riley, you have to )  If you thought that video was weird try this one !  Head phones in please !  /watch?v=QH2obAPwfqk &feature=related /watch?v=QH2obAPwfqk &feature=related  Do you want to make a video like this of your own ?

5 Got a pencil and paper ?  Listen to this final rap about mean, median and mode. (I promise Riley this is the last one ) Write down a rule or formula for finding  Mean  Median  Mode  Range  re=related re=related

6 Time for practice median-graphs.html andlingdata/ aths/handling_data/measures_average/activ ity.shtml maths/data/measuresofaverageact.shtml

7 CENTRAL TENDENCY ACTIVITY  http://www.learnalberta.c a/content/mejhm/ ml?l=0&ID1=AB.MATH.JR. STAT&ID2=AB.MATH.JR.ST AT.CENT&lesson=html/vid eo_interactives/centralTen dency/centralTendencySm all.html http://www.learnalberta.c a/content/mejhm/ ml?l=0&ID1=AB.MATH.JR. STAT&ID2=AB.MATH.JR.ST AT.CENT&lesson=html/vid eo_interactives/centralTen dency/centralTendencySm all.html  Have pencil ready for print hand out from the teacher.  Watch the video, then click on interactive button and do those activities. Last do the paper sheet handed to you.

8 Ready for some AZTEC fun ? Try this game.  http://www.learnalberta. ca/content/mejhm/index. html?l=0&ID1=AB.MATH. JR.STAT&ID2=AB.MATH.J R.STAT.CENT&lesson=ht ml/object_interactives/ce ntral_tendency/ ml http://www.learnalberta. ca/content/mejhm/index. html?l=0&ID1=AB.MATH. JR.STAT&ID2=AB.MATH.J R.STAT.CENT&lesson=ht ml/object_interactives/ce ntral_tendency/ ml

9 What is an outlier ?  A number in a set of data that is significantly different from the other numbers is called an outlier.  The outlier is much greater or much less than most of the numbers in the data set.

10 Examples of outliers. atch?v=oaFKTrD_fZk&featur e=related  What is the effect of outliers on mean median and mode ?  /watch?v=DKx0kM16EpA &feature=related /watch?v=DKx0kM16EpA &feature=related

11 Practice time, loose leaf, pencil, name on page please.(HP format)  Here are the science test marks out of 100 for the grade 7 students in a combined grades class.  0,66,65,72,78,93,82,68,64,90,65,68  Calculate the mean, median and mode marks.  Identify the outlier. How might you explain this mark ?  Calculate the mean median and mode marks without the outlier. How is each average affected when the outlier is not included?  Should the outlier be used when reporting the average test mark? Explain.

12 If you are done early..  You may go back and try any of the games on this power point presentation. You may wish to view any of the explanation videos again.  Go to page 278 in your MMS text book. Do all 5 questions on the page. Put your answers in your coil note book. Put your the date and page number on you page. Be ready to have the teacher correct your answers. Neatness counts.  If you are done all that, you can start designing a video or comic strip to explain, mean, median, mode, range and outliers to your class mates.

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