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The Presidency – Ch. 13. Roles, Term Limits, Pay & Benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "The Presidency – Ch. 13. Roles, Term Limits, Pay & Benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Presidency – Ch. 13

2 Roles, Term Limits, Pay & Benefits

3 Roles Chief of state Chief executive Chief administrator Chief diplomat Commander in chief Chief legislator Chief of party Chief citizen

4 Constitutional Qualifications (II, 1, 5) Native-born citizen of U.S. @ least 35-yrs. Old – Barack Obama elected @ age – Ronald Reagan elected @ age 69 Lived in U.S. for min. 14 yrs.

5 Constitutional Qualifications (II, 1, 5) What other qualifications are required?

6 Presidential Term Each term = 4 yrs. No original constitutional requirement on term limits – FDR elected as P 4 times 1951 – 22 nd Amendment adopted – P can serve no longer than 2 terms

7 Franklin Delano Roosevelt

8 Presidential Term What is the maximum of years any P can serve?

9 Presidential Term Several P have asked for 22 nd Amendment to be repealed – 2-term limit is undemocratic – Limits rights of Americans on who should become P What do you think?

10 Pay & Benefits 1789 – $25,000/yr. 2001 – $400,000/yr. (before taxes) Also allowed $50,000/yr. expense allowance (taxed as part of income) Lives in White House and Camp David Presidential transportation (Air Force 1, etc.) Generous travel, medical, dental, entertainment benefits

11 White House

12 Camp David

13 Air Force One


15 Presidential Succession (13.2)

16 Presidential Succession Act (1947) Vice President Speaker of the House President pro tempore Sec. of State Sec. of Treasury Sec. of Defense Attorney General Sec. of the Interior Sec. of Agriculture Sec. of Commerce Sec. of Labor Sec. of Health/Human Services Sec. of Housing/Urban Development (HUD) Sec. of Transportation Sec. of Energy Sec. of Education Sec. of Veteran Affairs Sec. of Homeland Security

17 Presidential Disability (25 th Amendment) 180 years before 25 th Amendment, no provision existed for situations when the P is disabled Section 3 – P informs Congress in writing that he is unable to discharge his/her duties OR VP + majority of Cabinet inform Congress that P is incapacitated – P can regain duties by telling Congress no inability exists – VP + Cabinet can challenge statement – Congress has 21 days to decide

18 Presidential Disability (25 th Amendment) 1985 – Pres. Reagan transferred powers to VP Bush while he had surgery to remove tumor 2002 – Bush transferred powers to VP Cheney while Bush was under anesthesia

19 Presidential Disability (25 th Amendment) Is this provision a good one? Is there potential for abuse?

20 Vice President

21 Responsibilities Preside over the Senate Help decide the question of presidential disability Must meet the same constitutional requirements as P

22 VP Vacancy Position been vacant 18 times – 9 times for succession – 2 times for resignation – 7 times for death P is allowed to nominate a new VP

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