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 The mix of diverse peoples gave rise to a new social structure  The blending of Native American, African, and Europe peoples and traditions resulted.

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2  The mix of diverse peoples gave rise to a new social structure  The blending of Native American, African, and Europe peoples and traditions resulted in a culture distinct to the Americas.

3  The Spanish culture was dominant in the cities  Settlers learned Native American styles  Indian artistic styles influenced the newcomers  Europeans taught their religion to Native Americans  Also introduced animals, thereby transforming the lives of many Native Americans  Africans contributed to this cultural mix  The African drama, dance, and song heightened Christian services  Africans forged new religions

4 Peninsulares or people born in Spain filled the highest postions in both colonial governments and the Catholic Church Creoles owned most of the plantations, ranches, and mines Mestizos & Mulattoes people of Native American and European descent & people of African and European descent

5  Spanish settlers generally lived in towns and cities  Mexico City was the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world  Around the central plaza, or square, stood government buildings and a Spanish-style church  European power and wealth  Cities were centers of intellectual and cultural life  Architecture and painting, as well as poetry and the exchange of ideas, flourished in Spanish cities in the Americas

6  The colonies built universities  A dozen Spanish American universities were already educating young men  Women wishing an education might enter a convent  Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.  She earned a reputation as one of the greatest poets ever to write in the Spanish language.

7  Settling Brazil  The Tupian Indians- had been largely wiped out by disease  In the 1530s, Portugal began to issue grants of land to Portuguese nobles, agreed to develop the land and share profits with the crown  Brazil offered no instant wealth from silver and gold  However, early settlers cut and exported brazilwood  The Portuguese named the colony after this wood  Soon they turned to plantation agriculture and raising cattle  Like the Spanish, the Portuguese forced Indians and Africans to clear land for plantations

8  Spain was made to the most powerful country in Europe, with Portugal not far behind  The jealous English and Dutch shared the resentment that French king Francis I felt  Pirates preyed on treasure ships from the Americas  Some pirates, called privateers, even operated with the approval of European governments.  Other European explorers continued to sail the coasts of the Americas

9  Thank you for your attention !!!  I hope you enjoyed it...

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