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I can identify the major ideas & people of the American Revolution

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1 I can identify the major ideas & people of the American Revolution
Learning Target: I can identify the major ideas & people of the American Revolution Daily 10 Who became the king of England through the Glorious Revolution? Charles I William of Orange James I James II B. William of Orange and Mary

2 Up ahead this week… Agenda QUIIZZZZZ American Revolution Notes
-Quiz Friday over English Civil War, American & French Revolutions  -Vocabulary due Friday 

3 The American Revolution

4 The Settlement of America
During the Age of Exploration, Europeans began colonizing in North America England granted joint-stock charters to colonists who were searching for wealth or religious freedom From 1607 to 1733, England established 13 colonies in America; The colonies were very different & lacked unity

5 Economics & Government in America
Define Mercantilism England used mercantilism to control colonial trade & increase their profits Text Despite these trade restrictions, the colonists made money trading with England Using the diagram to the left, how would you describe colonial assembly? England used a policy called salutary neglect which allowed colonists freedom to make their own laws & taxes Americans created their own colonial assemblies & enjoyed self government What do you think salutary neglect means?

6 The French & Indian War (1754-1763)
For 150 years, colonists were happy with this relationship with England But, everything changed after the French & Indian War In 1754, England & France went to war for seven years over territory in America In 1763, England won the war & the Treaty of Paris gave England all French lands east of the Mississippi River... …But the war left England with massive debts

7 Stop & Answer Who were the participants in the French & Indian War?
How did the French & Indian War impact the colonists?

8 Their slogan became: “No taxation without representation”
To pay off war debts, Britain created a series of new taxes on the American colonists The colonists were upset that Parliament in England would pass laws without the colonists approval Their slogan became: “No taxation without representation”

9 Colonists responded to new taxes with boycotts (refusing to buy British goods that were taxed)
Boycotts were effective, but the king & Parliament believed the Americans should obey British laws & took power away from the colonial assemblies

10 From 1763 to 1776, tensions between the English government & the American colonists increased

11 Americans were literate & read books by leading Enlightenment thinkers, especially John Locke, & used these ideas to justify their protest “People are born with natural rights, including life, liberty, property” “Kings can be overthrown if they violate peoples’ natural rights” “Government power comes from the consent of the governed”

12 British abuses & Enlightenment ideas inspired Americans to declare independence
Ben Franklin, John Adams, & Thomas Jefferson served on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence

13 Title

14 On July 4, 1776 Americans sent King George III the Declaration of Independence

15 Explain the events that led to the Declaration of Independence by completing the following cause/effect flow-chart 1. French & Indian War British war debts 4. Colonists upset because they were not represented in British Parliament Americans sent King George III the Declaration of Independence

16 Now…take your timeline activity and put pictures with the words to create a picture timeline of the events that led to the American Revolution 1. French & Indian War British war debts 4. Colonists upset because they were not represented in British Parliament Americans sent King George III the Declaration of Independence

17 Learning Target: I can identify the major ideas & concepts of the Declaration of Independence. Daily 10 What concept did Rousseau propose in The Social Contract? A society agrees to be governed. Education should foster children’s instincts. Punishment should not be brutal. The state should not interfere with the economy. A.

18 Up ahead this week… Agenda Analysis of DoI Finish notes Vocabulary
Review Questions Up ahead this week… -Quiz Friday over English Civil War, American & French Revolutions  -Vocabulary due Friday 

19 The Declaration of Independence Analysis
What did the Declaration of Independence say & why was it such a revolutionary document? Examine the excerpts of the Declaration of Independence & match the quotes with the appropriate summary sentence ANSWERS: 1. E 2. B 3. H 4. F 5. A 6. D 7. G 8. C

20 The Declaration of Independence & Influences from the Enlightenment
The Declaration of Independence used ideas from the Enlightenment (especially John Locke) to explain why Americans were declaring independence 33a - explain the language, organization, and intellectual sources of the Declaration of Independence including the writings of John Locke and Montesquieu, and the role of Thomas Jefferson

21 Brief summary of American Revolution Treaty of Paris, 1783
The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1783 After 6 years of fighting, the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of Yorktown

22 The Treaty of Paris, 1783 granted the United States independence from Britain & all lands east of the Mississippi River With independence, the United States needed a national government to unite the new nation

23 The founding fathers created a “federal” system that created a national gov’t but allowed the 13 states to keep power & make their own laws Government Structure Many of the ideas of the Enlightenment served as inspiration for the new national government of the United States

24 The American Revolution was an important event in world history
It was the first time a colony overthrew its mother country It was the first time a gov’t was created using Enlightenment ideas of limited gov’t & individual liberty The success in America inspired revolutions in Europe & Latin America

25 Vocabulary Review Stop & Answer
What were the impacts of the American Revolution? Vocabulary Review American Revolution Boycott Declaration of Independence

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