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Today’s Plan Logistics –Dr. Tom Ricciardi coming next Monday to discuss next reading assignment –Reading Assignment for Monday: Catastrophe Ch. 5, 6, 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Plan Logistics –Dr. Tom Ricciardi coming next Monday to discuss next reading assignment –Reading Assignment for Monday: Catastrophe Ch. 5, 6, 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Plan Logistics –Dr. Tom Ricciardi coming next Monday to discuss next reading assignment –Reading Assignment for Monday: Catastrophe Ch. 5, 6, 7 –Turn in Carbon Footprint Assignment –Next time take-home essay test (one-week to do) Finish Field notes on a Catastrophe Ch. 3, 4 –Group Activity –Discussion Time at end to hand back work, etc. Mentor Session all at 5 in PSU Ballroom

2 Chapter 3 (continued) Freshwater ice from snow fall, on land –Unlike melting sea ice, changes sea level –Greenland Ice = 23 ft rise in sea level –Sea level timelineSea level timeline Pacific NW Glaciers –Research at PSUResearch at PSU –Some comparisons (slide 11, 16, 21)Some comparisons What models have been introduced in readings? –What animal models: what computer/mathematical models

3 Groups Activity Each group assigned a model organism or computer model EVERY member of group should take their own notes and prepare to present for two minutes in a future group on this topic For your model you need to know –What is the main point illustrated by this model? (e.g. this was on the last quiz) –What are the details of your model system that illustrate this main point? –How is this main point connected to Global Warming? –Is it a good model for illustrating the main point? Can you think of a better one? 8 groups of 4 (count off)

4 Group Models Group Assignments –Groups 1, 2: Thermohaline Circulation –Groups 3, 4: Significance of Comma Butterflies –Groups 5, 6: Golden Toads –Groups 7, 8: Mosquitoes (Wyeomyia smithii) Now form new groups, each group has one expert on each model Present for 2 minutes each with 1 minute for questions

5 Catastrophe: Group Follow-up Thermohaline Circulation (N. Atlantic) (worldwide)Thermohaline Circulationworldwide –8,200 years ago thermohaline disruption?thermohaline disruption Comma Butterfly of England Golden Toad (Monteverde Cloud Forest)Golden ToadMonteverde Cloud Forest Wyeomyia smithii MosquitoMosquito –VideoVideo –Polar Bears vs. Mosquitoes—who is doing better and why? –Phenotypic Plasticity vs. Natural Selection

6 Today’s Plan AT END Hand back all work –Discuss answers/grading –BE SURE TO KEEP ALL YOUR WORK (Paper and Electronic copies) Today all mentor sessions going to Al Gore Webcast Party: –PSU President Wim Wiewel will speak, along with Noelle Studer- Spevack of PSU's Sustainability Office, and Nick Fish of Portland's City Council. WITH FOOD AND DRINK –Not to promote a particular party – or just www.pdx.edu –How many cannot meet at 5 pm instead of 6 or 7? Reading Questions for Ch. 5, 6, 7

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