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GET A HANDOUT FROM THE CHAIR. The cognate –DEC means ten. It is from the Greek deca. 1.DECAGRAM n. – A polygon having ten angles and ten sides 2. DECADE.

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Presentation on theme: "GET A HANDOUT FROM THE CHAIR. The cognate –DEC means ten. It is from the Greek deca. 1.DECAGRAM n. – A polygon having ten angles and ten sides 2. DECADE."— Presentation transcript:


2 The cognate –DEC means ten. It is from the Greek deca. 1.DECAGRAM n. – A polygon having ten angles and ten sides 2. DECADE n. – A period of ten years. 3. DECACHORD n. - An ancient Greek musical instrument of ten strings Complete the questions that follow this cognate on your handout

3 The cognate –ECTO means outside. It comes from the Greek ektos. I.ECTOCYST n. – The outer layer of a cyst. 2. ECTOANTIGEN n. - A toxin or other inducer of antibody formation, separate or separable from its source 3. ECTOCARDIA n. – Abnormal position of the heart Complete the questions that follow this cognate on your handout

4 The cognate –END/ENDO means oinside. It comes from the Greek endon. 1.ENDOSCOPE n. - a slender, tubular optical instrument used as a viewing system for examining an inner part of the body and, with an attached instrument, for biopsy or surgery. 2.ENDOCRINE n. - secreting internally into the blood or lymph. Complete the questions that follow this cognate on your handout

5 The cognate –EPI means upon, beside, among. 1.EPIDEMIC n. – A spreading among the people; as in a disease. 2.EPIDERMIS n. – Outer layer of skin. 3.EPISTLE n. – Piece of writin gin the form of a letter. Complete the questions that follow this cognate on your handout

6 The cognate –EX means out; from. 1.EXCEL v. – To surpass or outdo others. 2.EXCITE v. – To rouse; stir up. 3.EXCLAIM v. – Cry out; shout out. Complete the questions that follow this cognate on your handout

7 The cognate –FIND/FISS means to split. It comes from the Latin fissus. 1.FISSION n. – the act of cleaving or splitting into parts 2.FISSURE n. – A narrow opening produced by separation of parts. Complete the questions that follow this cognate on your handout

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