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Establishing a culture for learning middle school math.

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Presentation on theme: "Establishing a culture for learning middle school math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishing a culture for learning middle school math.

2 Hannahville Indian School Potawatomi Indian Reservation BIE Tribal Contract School Michigan Public School Academy Chartered by Northern Michigan University Tribal Contributions Especially Sports and Technology Rich Sgarlotti

3 Frameworks Michigan Standards and Benchmarks Grade level content expectations N.FL.08.05 Estimate and solve problems with square roots and cube roots using calculators. Common Core State Standards Curriculum Crafter - Michigan 6.EE.9: Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem

4 The Medicine Wheel Model is used as the basis for activities.

5 Center for Research in Education, Diversity & Excellence (CREDE) University of California, Berkley Standards for Effective Pedagogy. Strategies that work well with minority students (American Indian students)

6 Joint Productive Activity Teacher and Students Producing Together Language Development Developing Language and Literacy Across the Curriculum Contextualization Making Meaning: Connecting School to Students' Lives Challenging Activities Teaching Complex Thinking Instructional Conversation Teaching Through Conversation

7 If this was a strand of beads, and was 100 beads long, what color is the 100 th bead? Talking about culture …

8 Tools- we use “mobile devices” Digital Photo Video Audio Communication GPS Weather Station Internet Calculator Data Logger SmartBoard Laptop Clicker Virtual Museum Robot


10 Earl’s Wigwam


12 GPS


14 Data logger EcoLog

15 Ecolog5

16 SmartBoard

17 Hannahville Indian School Click on Classroom Projects, Math Wall







24 The Children's Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer. 1993. Seymour Papert It is often said that we are entering the information age. This coming period could equally be called the age of learning: The sheer quantity of learning taking place in the world is already many times greater than in the past… The most important skill determining a person's life pattern has already become the ability to learn new skills, to take in new concepts, to assess new situations, to deal with the unexpected.

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