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Coastal America Foundation Buzzards Bay, MA Climate Change Benchmarking.

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal America Foundation Buzzards Bay, MA Climate Change Benchmarking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal America Foundation Buzzards Bay, MA Climate Change Benchmarking

2 Howard Sanders 1955 Stations Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

3 All CAF Benthic Stations in Buzzards Bay A-H Identified I-M in lab N-R 2014

4 0 to 2 % gravel in 1955 4 “Gravel” stations are Crepidula fornicata shell (retained on the gravel sieve in Grain Size Curves) in 2011/2012 C and E not as dominated with Crepidula, but dense Polygordius concentrations. (> Crepidula )= (> silt/clay)

5 Crepidula fornicata Common Slipper Shell

6 Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management

7 1 to 5 = Water Quality Stations A to H – Benthic Stations 8 of Sanders 19 sorted and ID (triplicate Van Veen) Additional 5 sorted and in lab

8 Data logger every 15 minutes from Mid-May to Mid-October

9 Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Salinity (logged every 15 minutes) 21’ Center Counsel Taylor Point Marina

10 Occasional Water Grabs Fall Benthic Grabs

11 Video – Towed and ROV


13 Coastal America Foundation East Station DO 2013 3.86 mg/l 7/15/2013 9.21 mg/l 5/28/2013 6.84 mg/l 10/13/2013 YSI 85 HOBO logger data as compared to YSI 85 occasional profiles.

14 Crepidula fornicata Common Slipper Shell

15 0.04m² 10 cm deep triplicates Van Veen Grab

16 Going Forward: Mapping: - Compare recordable Hydro (SIMRAD CHIRP/Structure scan?) to ROV - Compare Hydro to density (1000 to 2000 micron sieve) Ecology: -Predators? - Fish stomach content -Seasonal growth/stacking -Caged growth? Chemistry: -Increase N+P Sampling -Increase TSD profiles and benthic pH Geology: -Cores to 1955 sand layer -Shell/fecal detritus/base layers -OTHER: …

17 Questions?

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