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Cllr Ralph Berry Lead member for Children and Young People Bradford MDC.

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1 Cllr Ralph Berry Lead member for Children and Young People Bradford MDC

2 Bradford’s mixed of everything

3 Special Schools 8 Maintained Special Schools, 2 new just opened with 852 children on roll across the 8 schools. Rising Numbers Additional Autism unit added this September Private Schools 22 private and independent schools 3 all through schools, 7 primary schools 12 secondary schools. 4,908 pupils Issues Fees increases in smaller scale schools; leading to unplanned seepage into maintained sector across year groups. Increased Instability in Private Sector, more Ofsted challenges More parents leaving, adds to ‘churn’

4 Free schools in Bradford May 2014 Census Latest Figures advised to Admissions Primary Dixons Music Academy 90 - 150 Rainbow 176 253 Secondary Dixons McMillan Academy [not open expected to be] 112 Dixons Trinity Academy 224 338 Kings Science 539 709 One in a Million 60 - 118 Through Age Bradford Girls' Grammar School - Primary section 338 - 337 Bradford Girls' Grammar School - Secondary section 430 - 414 + post 16 Studio Bradford Studio School (International Food and Travel) 52 - 57 Total 1909 children 2488 places 579 ‘surplus Places’, not where we need them most

5 Under pressure High levels of pupil turbulence and inward mobility, particularly from new communities 7,000 in year applications across all year groups 72% of applications primary and 28% for secondary. Over half of all applications are for children who are out of school as they are new to the UK or new or returning to the Bradford district. The spare capacity in primary schools across the district is now between 0.1% and 1.9% in each year group when the recommended spare capacity should be around 5%. Many schools have increased capacity over the last couple of years, the additional places have been in reception and continue over the years. These increases have not relieved pressure for in year applications. 1500 in year applications during the first half term of the school year The majority of in year applications are for two or more siblings

6 The Impact of Free Schools Bradford needs places so It’s a very mixed picture Place planning and community issues. Primary Schools need pram push location. It’s proposer led. Cohesion issues.; community facilities expropriated [Community asset status blocked if a School needed]. Schools of a character that parents will not wish to use but will be forced to take places at. PFES and EFA can’t just hold a gun to LA on land we do not have. Local Schools feel impact of new Free Schools is ignored. Free Schools also complain of being forced into sites. Rainbow Free School. Located in industrial Zone,looks for LA support not on bus route or walking route connecting demand. Asked LA to pay for bus.

7 Some issues Only 2 Primary Free Schools, one undersubscribed due to location Dixons Music part of ‘all through model’ adds a Music Specialism. Currently RI. Sponsor contesting Ofsted report. Impact of Free School applications; impossible to comment on as schools are opened without locations. Temporary site issues. LA left with range of local issues [Parking for only Primary no one walks to..]. Proposers establishing ‘demand’ by attacking existing schools Moved from LA being out of the place planning to being back to it. Serious concerns re Gender imbalances and impact on Co Ed High Schools Two form Primary planned at Fagley ; Sikh based school no local links, to feed to Leeds.

8 Challenges Impact of FS applications; impossible to comment on as schools are opened without locations being identified. Proposers establishing ‘demand’ by attacking existing schools Inequities of Funding- Place funding for Free Schools. Several Free Schools are extensions to local effective MAT which has worked ‘with ’LA and community [Dixons] on demand. LA being back commissioning and building schools again. Shortage of sports faculties as Free Schools built without facilities Gender imbalances and impact on Co Ed Schools Admissions complexity and appeals pressures Driving up transport to school pressures

9 A contribution to quality ? A mixed bag.. Standards- Its not the type governance that determines… Dixon's Trinity –Outstanding leading innovation & shares its work Kings Science Academy ; serious Ofsted failings and due to be taken over by local MAT with LA support Rainbow –Good working well with EU arrivals - Issue is location. Patterns of exclusions, issues raised by Parents to LA.High levels of Non Qualified and newly Qualified teachers. Serious probity, Governance and leadership issues. Non engagement with Bradford Partnership and LA BY KSA LA has major involvement in supporting the changes needed. All schools should be sharers and contributors

10 How it’s working for Bradford children All schools sign up for Admissions partnership with LA so far.. All asked by LA to join phase Partnerships, [KSA did not- a key lesson].This involves peer challenge, HMI support and transparency. All Free Schools have or are in process of joining Partnerships All Schools should share and contribute to locality and Schools system We want no islands, isolation is a risk indicator LA challenges and holds to account all schools via Improvement Board Warnings and concerns shared with Sponsors & DFE Extensive LA involvement at Kings Science Academy evidence of ‘Bradford Child First’ policy

11 Some challenges Admissions- a nightmare for LA. Allocating to schools and re working that if Free School opens One in a million fiasco. We had to juggle places across the city and impact of angry and upset parents was largely on LA. Different admissions polices add complexity [Fair banding] LA will be directing children into some under subscribed Free Schools- Its not choice. Communities having schools imposed which affects existing schools Impact on other schools; mitigated by rising roll but a school in crisis affects is neighbours especially exclusions and SEN issues Governance and accountability issues

12 How to improve Collaboration Now all are collaborating with LA and partnerships Schools Forum role in shaping policy In a City Like Bradford school place planning has to be strategic and co ordinated, and based upon assessment of community need, not sponsor need. Cohesion, travel and impact upon wider system are serious issues not moaning… Some of the buildings have been creative The system can deliver advice and views on this. Back to local plans, consultation and CPO ?

13 A better future…?

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