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THE DEATH OF THE ARAL SEA Who is responsible for this environmental disaster?

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Presentation on theme: "THE DEATH OF THE ARAL SEA Who is responsible for this environmental disaster?"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE DEATH OF THE ARAL SEA Who is responsible for this environmental disaster?

2 Where is the Aral Sea? THE ARAL SEA

3 The Aral Sea is shrinking

4 Why is the Aral Sea Shrinking? 2 major rivers, the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya flow into the Aral Sea. Water from these 2 rivers has been used to irrigate fields in Uzbekistan and Kazakstan so that cotton and rice can be grown. Very little water from these 2 rivers now reaches the Aral Sea. High temperatures in this region mean that evaporation rates are high which adds to the problem.

5 How fast is the Aral Sea shrinking?

6 Why is this an environmental disaster? 1 The water in the Aral Sea is becoming more and more polluted with the chemicals from the fertilisers and pesticides used on the irrigated farmland.

7 Why is this an environmental disaster? 2 The fishing industry has collapsed and this source of food and income has disappeared. The soils is so salty that crops cannot easily be grown

8 Why is this an environmental disaster? 3 The local climate is becoming hotter and drier as the effect of the Aral Sea is reduced. The air is salty and dusty. Both the air and water is polluted causing a huge health hazard


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