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Published byEileen Henderson Modified over 9 years ago
Reactive Routing Protocols for Ad hoc Mobile Wireless Networks
Ad Hoc Routing Protocols
Overview Ad Hoc Routing Protocols Reactive Proactive Table-Driven Demand-Driven DSDV WRP AODV LMR DSR ABR CGSR TORA SSR Elizabeth Royer and Chai Keong Toh, “A review of Current Routing Protocols for Ah Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks”, IEEE personal Communications April 1999
Proactive vs Reactive Proactive Reactive
Route from each node to every other node in the network Routes from Source to Destination only Routes are ready to use instantaneously Routes constructed when needed, higher connection setup delay Periodic route-update packets Route update when necessary Large routing tables Small or No routing tables
On-Demand Routing Protocols
Source Routing Hop-by-Hop Routing ABR DSR AODV LMR LAR RDMAR SSA TORA Elizabeth Royer and Chai Keong Toh, “A review of Current Routing Protocols for Ah Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks”, IEEE personal Communications April 1999
Source Routing vs Hop-by-Hop Routing
Data packets carry the complete addresses from source to destination Data packets carry the address of the destination and the next hop No routing table in intermediate nodes All nodes maintain localized routing tables Not Scalable Scalable
General Properties Loop Free Routing Two Operation Phases
Route Establishment Route Request RouteRequest Packet, flooded by the Source node Route Reply RouteReply Packet, returned to source node by Destination or Intermediate node Route Maintenance Route Reconstruction Route Deletion These protocols have two phase of operations Route establishment and Route Maintenance. During route establishment, the source flood the network with a routerequest packet, the destination node of receiving this request sends back a routereply packet which carry the route traversed by the routerequest packet.
Protocols DSR: Dynamic Source Routing ABR: Associativity-Based Routing
SSA: Signal Stability-Based Adaptive Routing Algorithm AODV: Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector LAR : Location Aided Routing Protocol RDMAR: Relative Distance Micro-Discovery Ad Hoc Routing LMR: Light-weight Mobile Routing TORA: Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm ARA: Ant-colony-based Routing Algorithm
On-Demand Routing Protocols
Source Routing Hop-by-Hop Routing ABR DSR AODV LMR LAR RDMAR SSA TORA Elizabeth Royer and Chai Keong Toh, “A review of Current Routing Protocols for Ah Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks”, IEEE personal Communications April 1999
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
Full source-route is aggregated in RouteRequest, and sent back in RouteReply Each data packet carry the full address for all nodes along the path Can store Multiple routes to destination Good for Small/ Low mobility networks
DSR– Route Discovery Source Node broadcast RouteRequest packet
Each Intermediate node do the following steps: If request received before discard If node ID is listed in request discard If Route to the destination is available send RouteReply to the source node with full path Otherwise append node ID and rebroadcast When destination is reached return RouteReply with full path Intermediate nodes cache all paths they overhear Source node caches all paths received and choose Shortest Path
DSR - Route Request E B D C S F A G S-B S-B-E S S-B-C S-B S-A-G-F
Source Node broadcast RouteRequest packets. Each neighbor will check if it received this request before or if its ID is in the list. If yes it will drop the packet. If not it will append its ID to the packet and rebroadcast the packet again. As you can see here the packet coming from Node C to E and from C to F will be dropped at E and F respectively because E and F already got a RouteRequest from the same source. A G S-A-G S-A RouteRequest Dropped
DSR - Route Reply E B D C S F A G B-E-D E-D S-B-E-D S-B-E-D S-B-E-D
S-A-G-F-D S S-A-G-F-D F When D gets the RouteRequest, it will append its ID and transmit RouteReply to the source using the same path that it gets it from. In this case Node D will send RouteReply to S through S-B-E-D and S-A-G-F-D. Node S will add the whole route in the cache for Data packet usage. It will select the shortest path first which is S-B-E-D. All node along the path will cache these routes towards the destination D F-D S-A-G-F-D A S-A-G-F-D G A-G-F-D S-A-G-F-D G-F-D
DSR– Route Maintenance
Triggered when a link breaks between two nodes along the path from the Source to the destination Node who discover the break send a RouteError to inform the source node about the broken link Source Node erase the route from the cache, and Use another cached routes, Or Request a new Route if two nodes along the path from the source to the destination move away from each other and the link between them is broken A node can not communicate to the other node when it retransmit packets and don’t hear any response
DSR – Route Maintenance
RouteError E B RouteError D C S S-B-E-D S-A-G-F-D F When a link is broken due to movement of nodes or any other reason The node that discover the failure link will send RouteError to the Source When the source gets the RouteError Packet it will delete the path from the cache And will find another route in its cache, if it didn’t find any route it will run RouteRequest again A G
DSR Promiscuous mode, intermediate nodes learns about routes breaks
During network partition, if the destination is in different partition a backoff algorithm is used to prevent frequent RouteRequest broadcast
DSR -- Concerns Scalability Large overhead in each data packet
No Local repair of the broken link Stale cache information could result to inconsistence during route reconstruction Poor Performance as Mobility increases Some concerns about DSR: Scalability, since the source need to add the IDs of all nodes along the path to the destination which increase the overhead in every data packet sent When a link is broken RouteError packets need to go all the way to the source to inform it about the problem Intermediate node can use outdated routes stored in their cache As mobility increases more links are broken hence more route reconstructions is needed
Associativity-Based Routing (ABR)
Select Longer-Lived routes Beacon based protocol Defining the Location Stability between nodes Used as a metric instead of shortest hop Determined by beacon counting Links between nodes classified into Stable and Unstable link according to beacons counts This is another protocol that uses a different metrics than shortest path. It also uses the same mechanism as DSR which is aggregating the node IDs along the path to the final destination. The objective is to select a longer lived routes which will help in reducing the cost of reconstructing routes. The metric used instead of the shortest hop count is the Location Stability or the Associatvity between nodes. Moving nodes tend to break the associativity with their neighbors and hence they are not a good candidates to carry routes. Nodes periodically broadcast beacons to signify their existence with their neighbors, Location Stability is determined by counting the periodic beacons that a node receives from its neighbors. Links between nodes are classified into Stable and Unstable links based on the count of beacons.
ABR– Route Discovery Source Node broadcast RouteRequest packet
Each intermediate node do the following steps: If request received before discard If node ID is listed in request discard If route to the destination is available send RouteReply Otherwise append node ID and Beacon Count and rebroadcast
ABR– Route Discovery Destination node
Once get the first RouteRequest, it waits for certain period to receive multiple RouteRequests From multiple routes, it selects the route with maximum proportion of stable links If more than one route has the maximum proportion of stable links, the shortest path is selected Only single route is selected by the destination
ABR - Route Request E B D C S F A G S-B S-B-E S S-B S-B-C S-B-C-F
S-B-E-D S-B-C-F-D S D S-B C S-B-C S S-B-C-F F S-B-C S Source Node broadcast RouteRequest packets. Each neighbor will check if it received this request before or if its ID is in the list. If yes it will drop the packet. If not it will append its ID and the status of the link weather it is stable or not to the packet and rebroadcast the packet again. The destination node will get the routes S-B-E-D and S-A-G-F-D, it will select the latter one due to less unstable links in the route although it is not the shortest one. A G S-A-G RouteRequest Dropped S-A Unstable Link
ABR - Route Reply E B S-B-C-F-D D C S-B-C-F-D S S-B-C-F-D F A G
ABR – Route Maintenance
Try to bypass the broken link without flooding the RouteRequest globally Downstream node, sends RouteError to the destination, deleting cache entries along the path Upstream node broadcasts a RouteRepair with limited time to live If failed, next upstream node broadcast RouteRepair Is successful, new route is used If the process traverse near source node, a new RouteRequest is initiated
ABR – Concerns Chosen path may not be shortest path
May lead to higher delay in route repairs Single path selection High cost of periodic beaconing Power Bandwidth
Signal Stability-based adaptive routing algorithm (SSA)
Derivative of ABR Adds Signal Strength as a prime metric In addition to beacon count, each node keep record of the signal strength of other neighbors Links are classified as Strong/Stable links vs Weak/unstable links
SSA– Route Discovery RouteRequests are forwarded through strong/stable links only RouteRequest received through weak/unstable links are dropped Failed RouteRequest flood route discovery without Signal strength metric Destination node,once get the first RouteRequest over stable links, it sends RouteReply If the attempt to forward the routerequest through the final destination failed, the protocol ignores the Signal stability metric at all
SSA - Route Request E B D C S F A G S-B S-B-C-E S S-B-C S-B S-B-C-F
S-B-C-F-D S-B-C S-B C S S-B-C-F F S-B-C S Source Node broadcast RouteRequest packets. Each neighbor will check if it received this request before or if its ID is in the list. If yes it will drop the packet. If not it will append its ID and the status of the link weather it is stable or not to the packet and rebroadcast the packet again. The destination node will get the routes S-B-E-D and S-A-G-F-D, it will select the latter one due to less unstable links in the route although it is not the shortest one. A G S-A-G S-A RouteRequest Dropped Unstable Link
SSA - Route Reply E B D C S-B-C-F-D S S-B-C-F-D F A G
SSR – Route Maintenance
End nodes of the broken links notify source and destination Erasing cache entries along the path Source broadcast a new RouteRequest to find Stable link
SSA – Concerns Restrict condition on forwarding RouteRequest large setup time in case no stable links are found Bandwidth consumption because will send RouteRequest many times Hop count increase because shortest hop paths may have unstable links
On-Demand Routing Protocols
Source Routing Hop-by-Hop Routing ABR DSR AODV LMR LAR RDMAR SSA TORA Elizabeth Royer and Chai Keong Toh, “A review of Current Routing Protocols for Ah Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks”, IEEE personal Communications April 1999
Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV)
Source Routing (DSR, ABR and SSA) is good for smaller networks due to large data packet overhead AODV: Hop by Hop basis No need to include the full path in the data packet Update Neighborhood information through periodic beacons
AODV– Route Discovery Source Node broadcast RouteRequest packet
Each intermediate node gets a RouteRequest do the following steps: Establish a reverse link to node it received the RouteRequest from If request received before discard If route to destination is available and up-to-date return RouteReply using the reverse link Otherwise rebroadcast the RouteRequest Destination node respond with RouteReply using the reverse link
AODV - Route Discovery E B D C S F A G RouteRequest
AODV - Route Discovery E B D C S F A G Reverse Path Setup RouteRequest
AODV - Route Discovery E B D C S F A G RouteRequest Dropped
Reverse Path Setup RouteRequest
AODV - Route Discovery E B D C S F A G RouteReply Reverse Path Setup
AODV - Route Discovery E B D C S F A G Forward Route Setup RouteReply
Reverse Path Setup
AODV - Route Discovery E B D C S F A G Forward Route Setup RouteReply
Reverse Path Setup
AODV - Route Discovery E B D C S F A G Forward Route Setup RouteReply
Reverse Path Setup
AODV – Route Maintenance
When a node detects a link failure, it sends special RouteReply with infinity distance RouteReply is propagated to source node Source node initiates a new RouteRequest
AODV – Route Maintenance
RouteReply E B RouteReply D C S F When a link is broken due to movement of nodes or any other reason The node that discover the failure link will send RouteError to the Source When the source gets the RouteError Packet it will delete the path from the cache And will find another route in its cache, if it didn’t find any route it will run RouteRequest again A G
AODV Concerns Route Reply from intermediate nodes can lead to inconstant routes Stale Cache Periodic beaconing cost Let talk about the details of the protocol. When a node need to send something to another node. It initiates the route request procedure by sending a Route Request Packet RREQ. Each Intermediate node will setup a reverse destination vector back towards the source.
Location Aided Routing (LAR)
Reduce the routing overhead in the network Source node flood the request to certain area where it last heard from the destination For the first time, it uses normal flood mechanism broadcast to all locations GPS is required
LAR Expected Zone: The region that may contain the destination based on its previous location, speed and time. Request Zone: The region that RouteRequest packet are allowed to propagate to reach the destination
LAR Two Scheme: Flood the RouteRequest into the request zone only to reach the destination in the expected zone Stores the coordinates in the route request packets, the packets can only travel in the direction where the relative distance to the destination becomes smaller
LAR Destination: once receive RouteRequest from the source, it sends RouteReply with its location and time stamp
Relative Distance Micro-Discovery ad hoc routing(RDMAR)
Reduce the routing overhead in the network Minimize the flooding effect by limiting route request to certain number of hops Used in Route Construction and Maintenance No need for GPS At the first time it works like normal flooding operation Route discovery will have global effect
Light Wight Mobile Routing (LMR)
Destination rooted Directed Acyclic Graph Based of link reversals protocol Multiple route to the destination no need to initiate another RouteRequest unless all routes failed Less Overhead Good for routing in moderate mobile network This is another protocol that uses a different metrics than shortest path. It also uses the same mechanism as DSR which is aggregating the node IDs along the path to the final destination. The objective is to select a longer lived routes which will help in reducing the cost of reconstructing routes. The metric used instead of the shortest hop count is the Location Stability or the Associatvity between nodes. Moving nodes tend to break the associativity with their neighbors and hence they are not a good candidates to carry routes. Nodes periodically broadcast beacons to signify their existence with their neighbors, Location Stability is determined by counting the periodic beacons that a node receives from its neighbors. Links between nodes are classified into Stable and Unstable links based on the count of beacons.
LMR– Route Discovery Every node is aware of its neighbors
Once RouteRequest received by one of the destinstion neighbors it sends RouteReply As the RouteReply packet traverse back to the source node, DAG is constructed every packet is only sent once by every node. The node remembers the packet IDs of the packets it has received or sent The unsigned links, through which the RPY packet passes, are converted to directed links. The direction is from the receiving node to the node that sent the RPY.
LMR - Route Request E B D C S F A G
Nevertheless, if a node does not receive the response within a reasonable time, a timer expires and the node can send a new QRY. This can be repeated until the node finally gets a response or it does not need the route anymore. A G
LMR - Route Reply E B D C S F A G
As the RouteReply Packet traverse to the source the unsigned links become directed towards the destination S has many routes to D
LMR – Route Maintenance
Triggered, when the last route to the destination is lost Node around the broken links inform its upstream neighbor using RouteError packet The packet informs the neighbors that no valid route exists anymore through the node to the destination If the upstream neighbor has a route to the destination it sends Routeply packet, the links adjusted
LMR - Route Maintenance
B D C S F A G Route Error
LMR - Route Maintenance
B D C S F A G Route Reply
LMR – Concerns Unlimited time to recover from network partitioning proposal for TORA
Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA)
Like LMR based on Link Reversal Algorithms Solve LMR problem in case of Network partitions by limiting the route maintenance packets to a small region Adopt the height metrics Requires time synchronization
TORA – Route Discovery Source broadcast RouteRequest to the destination Destination sets it height to zero and transmit an RouteReply packet Each node along the way to the source increase its height by one and rebroadcasts the RouteReply Packet with its updated heights
TORA - Route Request E B D C S F A G
Nevertheless, if a node does not receive the response within a reasonable time, a timer expires and the node can send a new QRY. This can be repeated until the node finally gets a response or it does not need the route anymore. A G
TORA - Route Reply E B D C S F A G Height = 2 Height = 1 Height = 0
TORA – Route Maintenance
Triggered when the last link towards the destination is lost Adjust Height Level and propagate through the network Links are reversed to reflect the change Route Deletion is flooded to delete invalid routes
Ant Colony Based Routing Protocols (ARA)
Adopt natural example When ants look for food, they leave transient trail on the path for others to follow Forwarding ANT (RouteRequest) calculates a pheromone value at each hop Once destination is reached, Backward ANT (RouteReply) traverse back to the source Data packet traverse along the path increase pheromone value Pheromone value of other unused path will decrease until path is expired
Comparison Protocol Routes Route Selection Beacon DSR Multiple
Shortest Path No ARB Single Link Stability Yes SSA Signal Strength AODV Shortest Path, Freshness LAR RDMAR LMR-TORA Link reversal ARA
Comparison Protocol DSR Global ARB SSA AODV LAR GPS Localized RDMAR
Maintenance Special Needs Route Discovery DSR Global, notify source Global ARB Local, bypass broken link SSA AODV LAR GPS Localized RDMAR LMR-TORA Link reversal Time Sync ARA Back track until route is found
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