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Welcome to 4 th Grade! Mrs. Owen Mrs. Stephan Mrs. Santamaria.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4 th Grade! Mrs. Owen Mrs. Stephan Mrs. Santamaria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4 th Grade! Mrs. Owen Mrs. Stephan Mrs. Santamaria

2 Teachers Mrs. Owen  Social Studies  Email – Mrs. Stephan  Reading, Writing, Math, and Science  Email – Mrs. Santamaria  Health  Email –

3 Math & Social Studies Grading  Homework is out of 100 points per Unit  5 points taken off for each missing assignment Everyday Math- Connect Ed Math  Online For Each Lesson in Every Unit Family Letters – Includes Homework Answer Key Study Links (Homework) Student Reference Book Key Vocabulary List of Books Extra Practice & Games Social Studies  New Jersey Grades based on homework and tests Missing homework remains zero until handed in by the student

4 Writing & Health Writing- Write Steps Writing  Follows the Traits of writing in a Writing Workshop Format  Includes Writing Instruction & Grammar  Students are coming in as 3 rd Grade Writers but are graded as 4 th Graders Grades will be lower than what you may expect You will see growth! **Daily reading & writing homework even if nothing it “assigned” Health  Nutrition, Body Systems, Self-Esteem, Character Education, Exercise & Staying Healthy Homework assigned late grade if not handed in on time.  Missing Assignments are posted on Genesis – Will not ask for assignment after the due date. Student is responsible.

5 Reading & Science “Journeys” Curriculum Weekly lessons: Literature and Informational Text Selections Comprehension Skills & Strategies Vocabulary Strategies Fluency & Decoding Skills Small Group Guided Reading Weekly Tests/Unit Benchmark Evaluations Science –  4 Major Areas Covered: Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, and Space & Technology Homework assigned one grade lower if one day late.

6 Technology District Website – School Website - park  For Parents Genesis –Grades & Report Card Staff Email  For Students Study Island Everyday Math Think Central Brainpop

7 Grading Grades are entered as percentages Grades are based on:  Completion of assignments (homework and class work)  Major projects, quizzes & tests Honor Roll – A’s & B’s Friday/Take-Home Folders  Should be signed & returned  Keep papers and go over Our Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F Grades are rounded up whenever possible.

8 Student Responsibilities 4 th Graders are responsible for their own success Homework is placed on board daily  Copy homework in Agenda  Complete and hand in on time Come to school prepared with supplies Make up all work  Especially if class is missed for Band or G&T  If a child is absent, teachers will give all missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the work at home and return.  If students are absent for a planned, extended period of time, homework will not be given ahead of time

9 Other PARCC April 4 th – May 13, 2016 NJASK Science May 25, 2016 Conferences –  October 20 th – 23 th  If needed in February

10 Classroom apps and websites REMIND: This is an app that you can register for to receive notices from the teacher. EDMODO: This is a website that the students will register for that allows them to type writing assignments from home and in school. There will be assignments that will need to be completed on this site.


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