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Schottky Summary of status and plans for YETS 15/16.

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Presentation on theme: "Schottky Summary of status and plans for YETS 15/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schottky Summary of status and plans for YETS 15/16

2 Changes w.r.t. Run1 Frontend Guerilla amps (higher dynamic range) Narrowband (2 MHz) filter Installed fast (25 ns) gating Receiver Made it frequency adjustable Installed 60 GS/s scope and Spectrum analyser for debugging Software Redid all expert tools in Python Initial curve-fitting experiments (MD377)

3 B2V Schottky frontend (6) 2 MHz Cavity filter (5) Fast gate (4) Guerilla amp. (0) compensation path (1) Hybrid (2) Circulator (3) 100 MHz filter (7) Miteq amp. (8) Coax to alcove

4 Performance expected vs. achieved We found some unexpected `afterglow` signal coming from the pickup By gating on empty slots By scope measurements Only visible if compensation path is tuned and common-mode signal is well supressed Wakefields? Beampipe modes?

5 Delta Signal time domain bunch intensity = 1.2E11 No bunch in the pickup 800 us of ringing

6 Delta Signal frequency domain bunch intensity = 1.2E11

7 Possible improvements Fast (sub 25 ns) gating to cut the `afterglow` Need to move the gate further upstream, directly on the delta-output of the hybrid Trading sensitivity for the ability of faster gating Control signal: BOBR triggers a pulse generator Modification has been applied to B2V during this TS now waiting for beam to test it

8 Plans for YETS and 2016 Rebuild all 4 frontends for `sub 25 ns gating` and narrowband filtering Additional coax to alcove requested to view the gated signal on the scope (before filtering) Modify Fermilab receiver-boxes to remove a dynamic- range bottleneck

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