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Is it healthier to bring your lunch from home or eat at school? By: Shaely J.

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Presentation on theme: "Is it healthier to bring your lunch from home or eat at school? By: Shaely J."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is it healthier to bring your lunch from home or eat at school? By: Shaely J

2 Many kids only eat half of their meals from school The food from school may be the only meals kids eat a day

3 In 2010 Obama signed a law called the Healthy Hunger Free the Kids Act The law went in to act during the year of 2012

4 Serving healthier foods is impacting 100,000 schools across the country !!!!

5 Since 1998, the government has been trying to consider healthier lunches

6 2011 2012 Kids taking vegetables 68% Amount eaten 25%41% Kids taking fruits 53%76% Amount eaten 58%55% Participation 31.8 million 30.7 million

7 I have answered my question!! It is healthier to eat at school than bring your lunch from home you may not like school lunches but there the best for you !!!!!

8 Resources Http// Http// Http// Http//

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