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Hospice Alliance Presented By: The Parkside Communication Research Group.

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1 Hospice Alliance Presented By: The Parkside Communication Research Group

2 Introduction  Welcome to the University of Wisconsin Parkside. We are the Parkside Communication Research Group. We would like to welcome you to our presentation on hospice care.  Over the past semester, we have researched Hospice Alliance and the referral process of health care providers as well as the general public view about hospice care.  We created surveys, conducted interviews, and researched marketing strategies.  Our overall focus: Hospice Alliance, Inc.

3 Objectives  Conduct interviews/surveys for two separate audience groups  Referring providers (doctors, nurses, social workers), and the general public  These questions provided a view about hospice care from the general public which was very helpful and informed our recommendations  Before going into further detail about our project, we would all like to thank Rachel Waller for her time and cooperation

4 Outline of Topics  The methodology of the doctor referral group will be discussed by Mike in the general public group  Procedure and hurdles will be discussed by Steve  Analysis and results will be discussed by Vivian and Kara in the doctor referral group  Analysis and results will be discussed by Emily and Alexa in the general public group  Finally Katy will be concluding for both groups Thank you again for joining the Parkside Communication Research Group

5 General Public: Survey Results By: Emily Schindler & Alexa Robbins

6 Age

7 Race

8 Household Income

9 If a loved one were diagnosed with a terminal illness, would you turn to a palliative care source?

10 When you hear the word “hospice”, what comes to mind?  Death/dying/terminal—53 respondents  “Death and dying”  “Dying with dignity”  Care/comfort—47 respondents  “I think it's a very nice way for people with terminal illnesses to get the care they need in the comfort of their home”  Caring for not only the patient but the family as wellCaring for not only the patient but the family as well  Elderly/Nursing Home— 6 respondents  “Elderly individuals in a retirement center”

11 Where would you look for assistance? #AnswerResponse% 1Family/ friend21284% 2Clergy7731% 3Doctor/ Nurse16766% 4Phone book135% 5Internet9036% 6Nursing Home6727% 7Hospice Care16867% 8Other94% 9I would not turn to outside care 21%

12 Do you know anyone who has been under the care of a hospice provider?

13 If given the option, would you prefer non- profit or for-profit hospice care?

14 Have you heard or seen any form of advertising from Hospice Alliance, Inc.? #AnswerResponse% 1Billboard3012% 2Radio2811% 3Word of Mouth6527% 4Brochure or Pamphlet 3715% 5Doctor, Nurse, or Social Worker 3916% 6I have never heard of Hospice Alliance, Inc. 10141% 7Other2711%

15 Analysis  Emphasis on “non-profit” in advertising, most of population resonates with the term  Still emphasize care, comfort, and compassion  Recognize age demographics within advertising  Recognize when and where advertising is positively recognized  25% of population is unsure or unaware of hospice care– building awareness is crucial  Majority of population knows someone who has been under the care of hospice  Get involved with clergy and spread awareness within community– doctors seem impossible to reach

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