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Legislative Process Suffolk University. Clerk (House/Senate) Relevant Comm No Action Approp/Ways & Means Floor Kill Pass Adverse Floor Pull Floor Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "Legislative Process Suffolk University. Clerk (House/Senate) Relevant Comm No Action Approp/Ways & Means Floor Kill Pass Adverse Floor Pull Floor Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legislative Process Suffolk University

2 Clerk (House/Senate) Relevant Comm No Action Approp/Ways & Means Floor Kill Pass Adverse Floor Pull Floor Hearing Schedule Wright, Chapter 3: Vermont Legislature

3 Clerk (House/Senate) Relevant Comm Study Ways & Means Floor Kill Pass Adverse Floor Hearing Schedule Rules Pass No Action Kill Steer/Policy Calendar State Legislature

4 Squire and Hamm, p. 102 Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature

5 Squire and Hamm, p. 102 Indicators: Ability to 1) Appoint other Leaders; 2) Comm. Chairs; 3) Comm. Members; 4) Tenure Potential; 5) Control of Resources and Procedures. Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature

6 Squire and Hamm, p. 102 Indicators: Ability to 1) Appoint other Leaders; 2) Comm. Chairs; 3) Comm. Members; 4) Tenure Potential; 5) Control of Resources and Procedures. Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature Case: Florida: Speaker Can: 1.Appoint other Leaders 2.Appoint Comm. Chairs/Members 3.Controls Procedure But, has 1.Limited Tenure 2.Limited Resources

7 Squire and Hamm, p. 102 Indicators: Ability to 1) Appoint other Leaders; 2) Comm. Chairs; 3) Comm. Members; 4) Tenure Potential; 5) Control of Resources and Procedures. Power of House Speakers: US State Legislature Case: Hawaii: Speaker Can: 1.Control Procedure 2.Has control of Tenure But, has limited ability to 1.Appoint Comm. Chairs/Members 2.Limited Resources

8 Source: Davidson and Oleszek, Chapter 8.

9 Separation of Powers


11 Committees: State Level

12 What Shapes Legislative Behavior? Inter. Grps/Lobbyists (I, $) Voters (I, V, $) Voters (I, V, $) Leadership (I, $) Leadership (I, $) Pluralism Institutionalism Business and Labor Interests (I, V, $) Member Political Economy Rational Choice Preferences? Rules, Norms, Trends Leadership (White House) Leadership (White House)

13 What Shapes Legislative Behavior? Business and Labor Interests (I, V, $) Member Political Economy Source: 1.John Berg a. Autonomy of the state, economic determination in the last instance (Class trumps politics, policies…)

14 What Shapes Legislative Behavior? Leadership (I, $) Leadership (I, $) Institutionalism Member Rules, Norms, Trends Sources: 1.Dodd and Oppenheimer; Sinclair; Green and Burns; Pearson and Schickler a. Rise of a Powerful Speaker (1970s to Pelosi) and Special Rules b. Influence of the Bush White House 2002-2006 (Medicare Drug Benefit, Tax Cuts) c. Trends: Polarization, Low Retire., Careerism, Partisan Redistricting (incumbency) 2. Sinclair; Lee, Wright a. Trends/Norms: Rise of Individualist, Partisan Senate with weakened Leadership. b. Rules: Deliberative process of Senate is making the Chamber Irrelevant c. States: Personal Politics of Power and Comm. Assign., Variation in States (Speaker) Leadership (White House) Leadership (White House) Executive: Nat. Leadership (Governor) Leadership (Governor) Executive: State

15 What Shapes Legislative Behavior? Inter. Grps/Lobbyists (I, $) Voters (I, V, $) Voters (I, V, $) Pluralism Member Source: 1.McDonough; Dodd and Opp a. Normative v. Self-Interested leadership b. limits of the const. service, governmental intervention; c. which interests matter in a district; who has access, faith in the system, partisan basis of incumb.

16 Separation of Powers Legislative BranchExecutive BranchJudicial Branch CongressPresidentSupreme Court -Power to tax -Declare war -Coin and borrow money -Necessary and proper clause (elastic clause). -Commander in Chief -Veto -Head diplomat -Nominates Supreme Court Justices -Executive Privilege? -Judicial Review -Life Time Appointment

17 Separation of Powers Legislative BranchExecutive BranchJudicial Branch CongressPresidentSupreme Court - Power to tax -Declare war -Coin and borrow money -Necessary and proper clause (elastic clause).\ - To Impeach Power: Expressed Powers (Listed in Art. I, s. 8) -Commander in Chief -Veto -Head diplomat -Nominates Supreme Court Justices -Executive Privilege? Power: “Power to Persuade…” ( Neustadt) -Judicial Review -Life Time Appointment Power: “to say what the law is … ” (Marbury v. Madison)

18 Separation of Powers Legislative BranchExecutive BranchJudicial Branch CongressPresidentSupreme Court -Power to tax -Declare war -Coin and borrow money -Necessary and proper clause (elastic clause). - To Impeach -Commander in Chief -Veto -Head diplomat -Nominates Supreme Court Justices -Executive Privilege? -Judicial Review -Life Time Appointment Nat. Sec.

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