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Chapter 21.1 Plant evolution and Adaptations. Plant Characteristics  Multicellular  Autotrophic  Eukaryotes  Tissues and organs.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21.1 Plant evolution and Adaptations. Plant Characteristics  Multicellular  Autotrophic  Eukaryotes  Tissues and organs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21.1 Plant evolution and Adaptations

2 Plant Characteristics  Multicellular  Autotrophic  Eukaryotes  Tissues and organs

3 Green Algae to Plants  Scientists think modern plants may have evolved from Green Algae because of similar characteristics…

4 I Spy… What are the differences between these two Autotrophs? Green AlgaeGiant Redwood

5 Similarities of Plants and Algae  Cell walls w/ Cellulose  Same type of Chlorophyll  Food stored as starch  Enzymes in vesicles  Similar genes in rRNA  Cell division w/ cell plate Similar but not the same

6 What do you think plants needed to adapt to life on land?  A: Bones of course  B: Reproduce by air and land… not water  C: Fed Ex sends weekly care packages of water  D: Wet suit… the air dries me out!

7 4 Plant Adaptations to Land  Cuticle –Prevents drying out –Barrier to microbes

8 4 Plant Adaptations to Land  Stomata –Allows for gas exchange

9 4 Plant Adaptations to Land  Vascular tissue –Allows for movement of nutrients & water –Provides support

10 4 Plant Adaptations to Land  Seeds –Survive harsh conditions –Food for developing embryo

11 Alteration of Generations  Gametophyte produces haploid (n) gametes  Sporophyte produces diploid (2n) spores

12 Kingdom Plantae Nonvascular 1. Bryophytes- Moss 2. Antherocerophytes- Hornworts 3. Hepaticophytes- Liverworts Vascular without seeds 4. Lycophytes- Club mosses 5. Spenophytes - Horsetails 6. Pterophytes- Ferns Vascular with seeds 7. Cycadophytes- Cycads of sago plants 8. Gnetophytes- Joint firs 9. Ginkophytes- Ginkgoes 10. Coniferophytes- Pines 11. Anthophytes- Flowering plants

13 Chapter 21.2 Nonvascular Plants

14  Small  Requires water  Found in damp, shady areas

15 3 Divisions of Non- vascular plants  Bryophyta- Moss  Anthocerophyta- Hornworts  Hepaticophyta- Liverworts  Gametophyte is dominant

16 Division Bryophyta  One cell thick leaf-like structures  Rhizoids for anchorage  Peat – used for fuel, retain moisture for gardeners Moss

17 Division Anthocerophyta  One large chloroplast in each cell  May have symbiotic relationship with cyanobacteria Hornwort

18 Division Hepaticophyta  Unicellular rhizoids  Thallose – fleshy, lobed structures  Leafy – stems with thin leaf-like structures in rows liverwort

19 Thallose vs Leafy Two kinds of Liverwort Thallose Leafy

20 Chapter 21.3 Seedless Vascular Plants

21  Have Vascular Tissue  Larger than Non-vascular  Better adapted to drier environments  Strobilus – spore bearing structure  Sporophyte is dominant  Division Lycophyta and Pterophyta (Sphenophyta)

22 Division Lycophyta  Sporophyte is dominant  Have roots, stems, and small, scaly leaf-like structures  Some are epiphytes – lives anchored to another plant or object  Club mosses

23 Division Pterophyta/Sphenophyta  Horsetails or scouring rushes  Cell walls of silica  Only one genus = Equisetum  Horsetails - Equisetum

24 Division Pterophyta  Thick underground stem – rhizome (food storage)  Fronds with sporangia underneath (sorus) ferns

25 Chapter 21.4 Vascular Seed Plants

26 Vascular Seed plants  Vascular tissue  Cotyledons – food storage for embryo  Seed dispersal –Wind, water, animal  Sporophyte- dominant life cycle –Male gametophyte: Pollen –Female gameophyte: Egg  Produce Seeds –Gymnosperms: “Naked Seed” without fruit. Ex: Pines, fir trees –Angiosperms: Seeds are part of the fruit Ex: Apples, peaches, blackberries

27 5 Divisions of Seed Plants  Division Cycadophyta  Division Gnetophyta  Division Ginkgophyta  Division Coniferophyta  Division Anthophyta

28 Division Cycadophyta  Separate male and female plants  Found in tropical and subtropical environments  Cycad

29 Division Gnetophyta  Live 1500 – 2000 years  3 genera –Ephedra – bush  Ephedrine medicine  Found in US –Gnetum - trees & climbing vines –Welwitschia – two large leaves

30 Division Ginkophyta  One living species: –Ginkgo biloba  Fan shaped leaves  Separate male and female trees  Tolerate pollution

31 Division Coniferophyta  Shrubs and trees  Economically useful –Lumber, paper, turpentine  Male and female cones on same tree  Scalelike leaves with cutin  Evergreen – lose leaves throughout the year

32 Leaves  Evergreen- Keep some green leaves all year  Deciduous- Lose leaves once a year

33 Division Anthophyta  Flowering plants

34 Angiosperms

35 2 kinds of angiosperms  Monocots –One seed leaf –Parallel veins in leaves –Flowers in multiples of 3s  Monocot examples: grasses, orchids, lilies, and palms  Dicots/Eudicots –Two seed leaves –Netted veins in leaves –Flowers in multiples of 4s or 5s  Dicot examples: maples, oaks, sycamores  Eudicot examples: trees, shrubs, flowering plants

36 Life span of plants  Annual - live for one year –Most are herbaceous (green stems) –Have drought resistant seeds –Examples: corn, wheat, peas, and squash  Biennial - live for two years –Have large storage roots –Produce flowers in the second year –Examples: carrots, beets, and turnips  Perennial – live for many years –Usually flower once a year –Examples: maples and oaks

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