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Nisa Fabiani, Isabella Bucci, Allison Kodroff. Active Solar: Collectors for water Collects heat from sun Heats up water that goes to throughout the house.

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Presentation on theme: "Nisa Fabiani, Isabella Bucci, Allison Kodroff. Active Solar: Collectors for water Collects heat from sun Heats up water that goes to throughout the house."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nisa Fabiani, Isabella Bucci, Allison Kodroff

2 Active Solar: Collectors for water Collects heat from sun Heats up water that goes to throughout the house

3 Sustainable flooring Having floors that will last a long time will be cheaper. Such a bamboo, cork, recycled wood

4 Recycled materials Easy way to save money/ other resources We are planning on cutting down the tree Creating more sun for solar panels Use wood from tree for cabinets, doors, window frames

5 Composting Toilet Does not use water When you pee is it evaporated When you poop it is added to soil for compost 4,300 gallons of water would be preserved annually.

6 Double Envelope Automatically heats and cools house w/o fuel or power Expensive but worth it. Why? Use less electricity and gas Heating=31% Air conditioning/cooling=12%

7 Lighting A ton of glass windows for natural light! We would purchase CFL and LED lighting Longer lasting

8 A hydrogen fuel cell converts chemicals and oxygen into water, therefore producing electricity.

9 Pros and Cons of Hydrogen Fuel Cells Pros -highly efficient -clean -can use renewable fuels -no moving parts -no noise Cons -expensive -requires fuel -low density of fuel (compared to gasoline) -Low fuel density -Not durable

10 Hydrogen Fuel Cells - YouTube Stop at 1:30

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