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LDP 2005-08 Implications for Public Health Information Janine Milligan Public Health Specialist 13 January 2005.

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1 LDP 2005-08 Implications for Public Health Information Janine Milligan Public Health Specialist 13 January 2005

2 LDP 2005-08  Priority 1: Improving the health of the population  Priority 2: Supporting people with long-term conditions  Priority 3: Access to services  Priority 4: Patient / user experience  MRSA  Supporting Strategies (eg workforce, finance, activity, etc)

3 Improving the health of the population  8 topic areas  19 targets  Spearhead PCTs to address inequalities gaps

4 Topic Areas  Cardiovascular disease mortality and inequalities  Cancer mortality and inequalities  Mental health  Infant mortality  Smoking  Obesity  Teenage conceptions  Broader strategy to improve sexual health

5 1.The Target envelopes  PSA01a: Cardiovascular disease mortality  PSA02a:Cancer mortality  PSA11a: Teenage conception rates  PSA12a: Emergency bed days  PSA12b: Community Matrons  PSA12c: High Intensity users

6 Process  Baseline data supplied by DH  Circulated to PCTs for completion  Raise profile with inequalities leads and DsPH  Prepared SHA view of what SHA trajectories should look like  Build picture of inequalities envelopes  Submission to SHA staggered through January and February  Full submission to DH February 2005

7 Targets for discussion  Smoking prevalence  Obesity Prevalence  Suicide baselines (20% versus 16%)  Smoking quitters  Access to GUM clinics  Diagnosis of gonorrhoea

8 DH Baseline Data and Data Quality


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