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HOW TO BE AN EFFECTIVE RECORDS OFFICER Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 1.

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1 HOW TO BE AN EFFECTIVE RECORDS OFFICER Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 1

2 Receiving the title “Records Officer/Coordinator” means.. Communication Organization Leadership Collaboration Critical Thinking and Decision Making Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 2

3 Communication is key in any relationship “Skill in the art of communication is crucial to a leader’s success. He can accomplish nothing unless he can communicate effectively.”-Anonymous It’s crucial to have communication between: – Records Analyst – Records Officers – Records Coordinators Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 3

4 Records Analyst Advise agencies in complying with records, laws, policies, and procedures. Monitor the RDA submission process, prepare routine reports, and assist in the scheduling and set up of the PRC meeting. Assist director in creating training and conduct training for agencies on general records management as well as specific policy instruction. Conduct research on records laws, policies, and procedures to stay current on changes in legislation and court cases on both the federal and state level. Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 4

5 But we also… We make house calls – We can sit with you at your desk We can pre-review RDA’s for you One on one trainings, discussions, etc. Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 5

6 Records Officer Tenn. Code Ann. 10-7-301 states that “records officer means an individual designated by an agency head to assume responsibility for implementation of agency’s records management program.” 10-7-304 states “It is the duty of the records officer to appear before the public records commission for the purpose of presenting on behalf of such records officer’s department, commission, board or agency requests for disposition of records.” Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 6

7 Expectations of Records Officers Records Holding Public Records Request (sometimes) Annual RDA review Attend Trainings and Workshops Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 7

8 Records Coordinator Knows business processes of division Assists Records Officers in obtaining information for the revisions or creation of an RDA Assists Records Officer with the records holding report Represents a division within the agency Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 8

9 Organization How to get Organized Identify your records Identify your divisions Know who your coordinators are – Do you have a forms officer? Most records start from a form Identify your record locations Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 9

10 How to be make life easier Be more detailed from the beginning – It will be difficult at first, but it will be easier to find things in the end Track things sent over at R&R Keep Certificates of Destruction Create Spreadsheets Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 10

11 Why Get Organized? Reduced Volume Reduced Costs Improved Accountability of Public Funds Reduced liability risks by keeping records according to retention schedule Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 11

12 Collaboration Communication with Divisions, IT, Legal, and Coordinator. These are the set of people or resources needed to accomplish records management. Communication can help this group collaborative effectively, which will make for a more productive team overall. Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 12

13 Records Coordinator Create a game plan Communicate Find out what they need Create an agenda to help keep them focused on the task at hand Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 13

14 IT Know the technology your records are on. Make sure technology is OIR compliant. Help with electronic preservation. Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 14

15 Legal Know the laws that apply to your agency Identify any confidentiality statutes Identify any retention statutes Litigation Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 15

16 Critical Thinking and Decision Making When to Create an RDA – New Division – New Program – New Project – New Commission When to Retire an RDA – Program Overhaul – Division Overhaul – Combination of similar RDA’s – New Statewide When to Update/Revise an RDA – New Legislation – New Records Process Paper to Electronic Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division 16

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