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THE FINANCING OF THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT IN 2008. 1.Financing in H1 2008 2.Financing in H2 2008 Host: Ferenc Szarvas, CEO Presented by: dr. László András.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FINANCING OF THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT IN 2008. 1.Financing in H1 2008 2.Financing in H2 2008 Host: Ferenc Szarvas, CEO Presented by: dr. László András."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Financing in H1 2008 2.Financing in H2 2008 Host: Ferenc Szarvas, CEO Presented by: dr. László András Borbély Deputy CEO (General Affairs) MAIN TOPICS:

3 1. FINANCING IN H1 2008

4 1.Decreasing net financing requirements (4% of GDP in 2008) 2.Diminishing effects of the 2.Diminishing effects of the sub-prime crisis after the end of 2007 3.The financing plan originally had been built on the increasing role of the HUF bonds and the decreasing role of the discount T-bills FINANCING IN H1 2008 – ASSUMPTIONS Improving government securities market situation – improving budget figures

5 1.The effects of the sub-prime crisis have intensified since February 2008 (the non-resident holdings of HUF government securities have decreased by more than HUF 400 bn since then) 2.Substantial and concentrated net selling of government securities due to portfolio restructuring of the pension funds 3.Even more favourable net financing requirements (new projection: 3.8%GDP); it helps, but does not compensate for the unfavourable market situation FINANCING IN H1 2008 – OUTTURN Unfavourable government securities market situation - more favourable budget position

6 DEBT TRANSACTIONS* IN H1 2008 *Excluding debt assumptions and other foreign currency transactions Lower net financing requirement and net issuance

7 DEBT TRANSACTIONS* IN H1 2008 *Excluding debt assumptions and other foreign currency transactions Gross issuance and redemptions higher than planned Lower net issuance

8 GROSS REDEMPTIONS IN H1 2008 Higher amount of bond and discount T-bill redemptions

9 GROSS ISSAUNCE IN H1 2008 Lower issuance of retail government securities and bonds Higher issuance of foreign currency debt and discount T-bills

10 SECONDARY MARKET TURNOVER OF GOVT. SECURITIES Q2 2008: falling turnover 12 728


12 CHANGES IN THE GOVT. SECURITIES HOLDINGS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES AND PENSION FUNDS Modification of the investment structure 429447287100 Source: NBH

13 BREAKDOWN OF THE NET FINANCING BY INVESTOR SECTORS Foreign funds raised in foreign currency Strongly increasing financing by banks 771 699 353 500

14 1.Lower bond issuance due to deteriorating domestic demand 1.Lower bond issuance due to deteriorating domestic demand; higher issuance of discount T-bills and foreign currency debt instead 2.The originally planned amount of marketable foreign currency issuance is practically reached already in H1 (EUR 1.7 billion) 3.Project loans from international financing institutions drawn down in EUR FINANCING IN H1 2008 – OUTTURN Changes in the issuance calendar in 2008: 6-week auction cycle; the 6-month T-bill phased out; higher volume of individual bond series.

15 2. FINANCING IN H2 2008

16 THE PLANNED GROSS ISSUANCE IN 2008 Substantially decreasing bond issuance *Excluding debt assumptions and other foreign currency transactions Higher amount of foreign currency and discount T-bill issuance

17 THE PLANNED NET ISSUANCE IN 2008 Significantly lower net bond issuance * Excluding debt assumptions and other foreign currency transactions Higher amount of net foreign currency and discount T-bill issuance

18 DEBT TRANSACTIONS* IN H2 2008 Significant decrease in both gross and net issuance * Excluding debt assumptions and other foreign currency transactions

19 GROSS REDEMPTIONS IN H2 2008 Higher amount of discount T-bill redemption; lower amount of redemption in all other debt instruments

20 GROSS ISSUANCE IN H2 2008 Lower volume of issuance in all debt instruments, except discount T-bills

21 1.The effects of the sub-prime crisis are seen to prevail at least until the end of 2008. 2.The effects of the pension funds’ portfolio restructuring are felt in H2 as well, but to a lower extent. 3.It is necessary to keep the issuance of domestic bonds cut back in H2 as well, in order to stabilise the market. 4.Discount T-bills and foreign currency issuance have a higher importance in financing in the year 2008. SUMMARY – FINANCING IN H2 2008

22 5.Measures taken in order to reach long-term strategic objectives: SUMMARY – FINANCING IN H2 2008 6 6-week auction cycle introduced in case of govt. bonds; t the 6-month T-bill has been phased out; h higher volume of individual bond series.

23 Thank you for your attention!

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