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Taxing Heterogeneous Capital, or Not Discussion of Auerbach slides by Casey B. Mulligan.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxing Heterogeneous Capital, or Not Discussion of Auerbach slides by Casey B. Mulligan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxing Heterogeneous Capital, or Not Discussion of Auerbach slides by Casey B. Mulligan

2 Many Different Types of Assets in the Economy Various physical assets with various depreciation rates –e.g., Goolsbee dissertation Various locations and uses –e.g., housing vs. business assets Tangible vs. intangible –rents: what are they and what is their economic function? –should negative rents be subsidized? If positive rents are taxed at higher rates more than negative rents  tax arbitrage Significant deadweight losses from a failure to tax capital uniformly

3 Capital Rental Rates through 2010 Q3

4 The Easiest Way to Uniformly Tax Heterogeneous Capital: Leave it Untaxed!

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