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The musical composer. BBorn on January 27, 1756 at 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg DDied on December 5, 1791.

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Presentation on theme: "The musical composer. BBorn on January 27, 1756 at 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg DDied on December 5, 1791."— Presentation transcript:

1 The musical composer

2 BBorn on January 27, 1756 at 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg DDied on December 5, 1791

3 CCreative IInnovative IIntelligent HHas a great impact on the world OOpen Minded HHonest

4 CConfident OOpen-Minded AAnalytical SSystematic IInquisive MMature

5 BBecause of his musical compositions, especially a piece that he wrote: ‘Requiem’

6 TThe Requiem Mass in D minor (K. 626) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was composed in Vienna in 1791 and left unfinished at the composer’s death on December 5. A completion dated 1792 by Franz Xaver Sussmavr was delivered to Count Franz von Walsegg, who had anonymously commissioned the piece for a requiem mass to commemorate the February 14 anniversary of his wife's death.

7 IIt reminds me of my aunt ‘Mommyla’, which she plays the organ in UCCP

8 AAlthough some music are pretty good, other music is pretty vulgar, compared to his work, which is a work of art and pure music

9 WWhat do you think of the music we listen to in our present generation? CCan you compare the music of this generation to your pieces?

10 WWe wouldn’t have the music we have today WWe wouldn’t listen to classical music

11 BBe original/honest BBe motivated BBe inspired by things around you BBe honest in your work AAll other things on slide 2

12 GGreat Thinkers gives a great impact upon the world, thus, it will change us and the world we live in, especially everyone around us, and it will change us as well


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