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Learning Targets  I can convert between kWh, therms, BTUs, gallons of fuel, and lbs. of CO2  I can compare energy usage statistics at the local, state.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Targets  I can convert between kWh, therms, BTUs, gallons of fuel, and lbs. of CO2  I can compare energy usage statistics at the local, state."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learning Targets  I can convert between kWh, therms, BTUs, gallons of fuel, and lbs. of CO2  I can compare energy usage statistics at the local, state and national level and hypothesize reasons for the differences.

3 Classroom Heating Lab  Use your data on window square footage and temp. to complete the classroom heating lab in your lab book.  Do everything but the extension

4 Energy Usage Statistics  Find the document on my website called “Examining our Current Energy Status”  Complete and submit to me as a Google doc. This is due Tuesday, along with Module 35 notes and end of SECTION multiple choice.

5 Unit 7 Test- Farming and Land Use Mult Choice (out of 40) A = 36-40 B = 32-35 C = 28-31 D = 24-27 Retakes for 27 and below Q’s dropped: 3 and 32 (test A) 13 and 16 (test B) FRQ (out of 10)  BTW, a 1.5 multiplier was added in the gradebook, so the FRQ is out of 15

6 Unit 7 Test Corrections- Mult. Choice  This time- don’t correct each one.  Find and record the major concept or key term you missed associated with that question.  Resolve parts of the FRQ you missed. Need to retake it? Please do that by next Friday afternoon!

7 Last slide 1/8/15

8 How Did We Get Here?  Industrial Revolution  Exponential Growth  Energy Crisis

9 Energy Crisis  Pre 1970 - Oil was relatively plentiful and cheap  Formation of OPEC – started in 1960  Countries currently in OPEC: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela  Account for 79% of world reserves & 44% of world production  Goals:  Safeguarding interests by setting the price of a barrel of oil  ensuring stable supply and demand in int’l oil markets

10 Events of the 1970’s  Arab members of OPEC refuse to ship oil to the U.S. and most of Western Europe (1973)  Wanted countries to stop supporting Israel in Yom Kippur War with Syria & Egypt  U.S. was using cheap oil to make other products (particularly plastics) and selling them back to OPEC countries at much higher rates. (Sometimes 300% inflation)  Revolution in Iran slows production (1979)


12 Consequences  Petroleum prices quadruple  Schools close in the winter for lack of heating oil  Manufacturing plants close or lay people off  Increased interest in alternative energies  Global recession

13 Establishment of Strategic Petroleum Reserves in 1975  Emergency supply of crude oil in salt caverns along the Gulf of Mexico  Currently holds around 1 billion gallons of oil  Approximate 57 day supply

14 National Petroleum Reserve  Formalized in 1976  Largest area of undisturbed wilderness in U.S.  Approximately 896 million barrels of oil  Development started in 1990’s  Disagreements with Inupiat’s & env. groups – lots of lawsuits  Bureau of Land Management just decided to allow oil production (2/2015)


16 Energy Conservation TOPIC OUTLINE V.F


18 Two Choices …  Use less through personal choices  OR  Increase efficiency of use  ver08.html ver08.html  Both of these peaked in the late 1970’s, steeply dropped in the 1990’s and haven’t risen much since then

19 National Appliance Energy Conservation Act - 1987  Set minimum energy efficiency requirements on appliances  Eventually led to formation of Energy Star  Voluntary program to build factories, office buildings, houses, and appliances that exceed these standards 

20 Incandescent vs. Compact Fluorescent  Easy bake ovens and incandescent light bulbs  id/3032619/ns/nightly_news/# 41768619 id/3032619/ns/nightly_news/# 41768619  9/09/01/business/energy- environment/01iht-bulb.html 9/09/01/business/energy- environment/01iht-bulb.html  75% of the energy that goes into an incandescent is lost as heat and is not used for light

21 Next new light – LED’s  /3032619/ns/NBCNightlyNews/ #44034437 /3032619/ns/NBCNightlyNews/ #44034437

22  What is saved besides electricity by using a compact fluorescent?  GHG’s, Air Pollution, Mining costs, Landfill space  If each household switched out one incandescant for a compact fluorescent the energy saved would be approximately equal to taking 1 million cars off the road

23 Areas targeted by efficiency improvements Window on the right is an energy star window in winter 1)Insulation 2)Windows 3)Tight construction /caulking 4)Heating/coo ling systems 5)Appliances

24 Cogeneration - capture and reuse “waste” heat

25 CAFE Standards – Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency Federal Standards for MPG in cars & trucks

26  2007 model year CAFE standard for cars was 27.5 mpg and light trucks 22.2 mpg (SUV’s are excempt as they are classified as heavy trucks/farm vehicles)  Many companies did not meet this standard and paid fines  Why would they make this choice?  By 2020  35 mpg

27 Hybrids and Electric Cars  Hybrids use a combination of gas, generators, and batteries  Electric cars – use electricity to charge a battery  Seattle was chosen as a test city for the Nissan leaf – Why? 

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