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Bell Ringer #11 – 5/10/2010 1.Write one thing you have learned while working on your Family Budget Project. 2.Which of the category will probably take.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer #11 – 5/10/2010 1.Write one thing you have learned while working on your Family Budget Project. 2.Which of the category will probably take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer #11 – 5/10/2010 1.Write one thing you have learned while working on your Family Budget Project. 2.Which of the category will probably take the highest % of your income? 3.Calculate the following: If you make $60,000 and spend $9,000/year on transportation, what % of your income is transporation costs?

2 Rest of the Family Budget Project Your budget must be balanced, and nearly all categories should be completed. Type or print in ink 1-page “career summary”. –Written in first person, ex: I am a dentist, this is what I do… –Include educational history, your daily requirements, your salary, perks of the job, challenges of the job, daily duties, etc. Introduce your mock person and his/her career! Pie Chart calculated and colored.

3 Pie Chart Determine total for each of the 5 categories. When calculating where you spend money, your total expenses is will be denominator. Each category total will be the numerator. Convert decimals to % Ex: Spend $40,000 on home, and total expenses is $80,000. ($40k / 80k = 50% on home). In that case, half of your pie will be colored for home expenses. Color code your pie and use the key to explain colors and percentages.

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