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Driving Employee Motivation:. Think about your employee’s strengths.

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Presentation on theme: "Driving Employee Motivation:. Think about your employee’s strengths."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving Employee Motivation:

2 Think about your employee’s strengths

3 Don’t use motivation methods that don’t work

4 Threats Learn to recognize & eliminate

5 Recalibrate your motivation scale

6 Measure & track motivation levels

7 Ask employees what they want?

8 Teach employees to measure their own success

9 Stop Distracting Employees

10 The 4-Drive Model Employee Motivation of Lawrence & Nohria 2002 Is a new motivational model that helps show us how to tap into it…

11 The 4-Drive Model Employee Motivation of Lawrence & Nohria 2002 Is a new motivational model that helps show us how to tap into it… It was developed by these two a few years back…

12 Acquire We all have a drive to acquire money, things, prestige, power…

13 Bond We also want to Bond with others - and have positive, meaningful relationships

14 Comprehend or Challenged We also strive to UNDERSTAND and feel CHALLENGED

15 Defend And we need to DEFEND those things and ideas we BELIEVE IN

16 The Question is So What?

17 The Question is Who Cares?

18 The Question is How Does This Matter?

19 It all really boils down to Why is this important?

20 Because it…

21 Increases Effort Because it…

22 Increases Effort Aids Retention Because it…

23 Increases Effort Aids Retention Enhances Persistence Because it…

24 Increases Effort Aids Retention Drives Creativity Enhances Persistence Because it…

25 Improves Focus Increases Effort Aids Retention Drives Creativity Enhances Persistence Because it…

26 So lets see how we can impact each of the four drives to improve employee motivation

27 Acquire Bond Challenge & Comprehend Defend Reward Systems Recognition Perks Culture Teamwork Social events Job Design Training Big picture Reputation Focus on competition Transparency

28 Impact Acquire thru Reward Anything to do with… Recognition Anything to do with… Perks Anything to do with… Salary Incentives Benefits Time off Special allowance Awards Thank yous Top of class

29 Culture Anything to do with… Teamwork Anything to do with… Social Anything to do with… Improve Bonding by Values Norms Daily behaviors Job structure Projects Support Gather Sports/teams Fun

30 Challenge & Comprehend Job Design Anything to do with… Training Anything to do with… Goals Anything to do with… Skill training People training Coaching Stretch goals Employee input Line of site Job sharing New challenges Mentoring

31 Challenge & Comprehend Skill training People training Coaching Coaching for informative feedback –You were a rock star with the new customer service index –You totally sunk our employee suggestions & stunk up our department –Your report was “da bomb”

32 Reputation Anything to do with… Threats Anything to do with… Transparency Anything to do with… Build the will to Defend Current Issues / Success Trust Competitors Environment Outside Company Group Personal/ideas

33 And we’ve just touched the tip of the…

34 To find out even more…

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