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PODCASTS : Using a relatively new technology to reach our students Rebekah Haithcock NCCU SLIS 5614.

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Presentation on theme: "PODCASTS : Using a relatively new technology to reach our students Rebekah Haithcock NCCU SLIS 5614."— Presentation transcript:

1 PODCASTS : Using a relatively new technology to reach our students Rebekah Haithcock NCCU SLIS 5614

2 A DEFINITION A podcast is any recorded audio program that is distributed via RSS feed through the Internet The name comes from iPOD + newscast= podcast iPOD + newscast= podcast

3 MORE TO DEFINE This name can be misleading, for an iPOD is not necessary to listen to a podcast. Any mp3 player, PDA, cell phone, or handheld computer can play a podcast, and it can also be listened to on any personal computer.

4 MORE TO DEFINE For this reason, many people like to refer to the “pod” of “podcast” as standing for “publishing on demand” broadcasting.

5 ORIGIN Although alternatives, such as “netcast”, have been proposed, the name “podcast” has stuck. The name was first coined by British journalist Ben Hammersly in February 2004 in The Guardian.

6 RELATED TERMS A “podcaster” creates podcasts and distributes them. A “podcatcher” retrieves the podcasts and plays them.

7 HISTORY- PREDECESSORS 1993- the first computer radio talk show streamed on the Internet, so that users could listen, but not download the program to listen later or carry with them on some kind of device.

8 PREDECESSORS Audioblogs began to appear, but users had to continue to go back to the website to listen to them 1999- mp3 downloads began to grow, aided by Napster, a gigantic library of shared mp3s

9 PREDECESSORS 2001- Replay Radio came out, which would schedule to record an audio program, then download it to a computer’s hard drive automatically (similar to Tivo)

10 PREDECESSORS 2003- RSS audio feeds appeared, which allowed files to be automatically downloaded to one’s personal computer (thanks to software developer Dave Winer)

11 THE “PODFATHERS” Winer shares this title with former MTV DJ Adam Curry. Both had noticed problems with bandwidth and downloading music.

12 THE “PODFATHERS” The solution seemed to be to have a computer that is always online so the material could download slowly, like a trickle. They fiddled with this for years, until Curry was successful at writing a program that he called…

13 THE “PODFATHERS” Ippoder. He created this to download podcasts to his iPOD.

14 ITUNES June 2005- Apple announces that within the first 2 days of the launch of its new podcast directory, iTunes 4.9, customers have subscribed to more than one million podcasts.

15 GROWING Summer 2005- a google search for “podcasting” comes up with a few hundred hits 6 months later- the same google search comes up with over 687, 000 hits

16 GROWING The New Oxford American Dictionary selects “podcasting” as its 2005 word of the year. In the same year, the Pew Research Institute conducts an Internet and American life project.

17 GROWING This project finds that more than 22 million Americans own mp3 players and more than 6 million have downloaded podcasts. It also finds that more than half of all teenagers have created media content, and roughly 1/3 have shared this content.

18 GROWING 2005- Stanford University becomes the first school to make its lectures and academic content accessible through iTunes. Many others follow.

19 BOOM! April 2006- 10 million podcasts downloaded November 2006- 17 millions podcasts downloaded

20 Why should we use podcasts in education? To speak our students’ language: digital natives feel comfortable creating and sharing files, and having easy access to information

21 Why should we use podcasts in education? They’re practical- they can be replayed if something is missed. Class time can be maximized for interactive activities, while preparation takes place outside, producing more time on task.

22 Why should we use podcasts in education? They’re convenient- They expand the classroom due to portable devices, allowing multitasking, and saving time They can be listened to 24/7

23 Why should we use podcasts in education? They’re feasible- no extra equipment is required besides a computer They decrease reliance on visual delivery, a specific text, a specific location, etc.

24 Why should we use podcasts in education? It is a different form of communication, and may encourage some students to share their thoughts who normally wouldn’t in written form

25 Why should we use podcasts in education? Lastly, it ties in with the 21 st century skills of education.

26 How can we use podcasts in education? 3 ways: Teacher led: 1. teacher created material 2. material created by and borrowed from another source…

27 How can we use podcasts in education? And Student led: 3. Student created material

28 Ideas for teacher created material Lectures Comments on expectations and how they are being met Bridge between classes- helping students prepare for the next class by introducing new material

29 Ideas for material from other sources Use lectures and talks created by other teachers or experts in a field Share amongst the department; collaborate

30 Ideas for student created material An oral response to questions An interview An editorial A recitation Speaking sample for foreign language class

31 CREATION You will need a computer with a microphone and some audio editing software. If the computer didn’t come with a microphone, one can be purchased for around $20

32 CREATION If the computer does not come with editing software, offers free audio editing software for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

33 CREATION All you have to do once you’ve opened up the program is click on the red record button, start talking, and click the yellow stop icon to stop recording. Parts can be edited by highlighting them and there are numerous other effects.

34 CREATION The file must be saved in mp3 format, which requires an encoder. Audacity has a link to this as well.

35 SHARING One option is to upload files to a website and create hyperlinks to download them. A better option is to creation a podcast site using RSS feed…

36 SHARING RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a computer code that describes the mp3 files and allows listeners to subscribed and be notified of new files, which then automatically download to the listener’s computer.

37 SHARING A free site that does the job for you is podcastblaster. com/podcast- feed

38 SUBSCRIBING iTunes can be downloaded from the Apple site for no charge, for either Windows or Mac users. Once you have clicked to subscribe to a podcast, iTunes will automatically check the site and update with available podcasts whenever you open iTunes.

39 IN CLOSING “For years, savvy teachers have used various media to help their students connect to the world. Kids have conducted living-history interviews with elderly relatives or other community members or opened up discussions with other children in distant places. Students have difficulty writing essays can find that podcast audio clips gives them an outlet to tell their story.” (Butterfield, 2007) EMPOWER YOUR STUDENTS!

40 REFERENCES Acohido, B. (2008). Radio to the mp3 degree: podcasting. USA today: Retrieved January 17, 2011 from 05-02-09-podcasting-usat-money- cover_x.htm 05-02-09-podcasting-usat-money- cover_x.htm 05-02-09-podcasting-usat-money- cover_x.htm Doe, C. (2007). The podcasting phenomenon. Multimedia & Internet @ schools. 14 (6), 27-31.

41 REFERENCES Griffey, J. (2007). Podcast 123. Library Journal, 132(11), 32-34. Hew, K. F. (2009). Use of audio podcast in K- 12 and higher education: a review of research topics and methodologies. Educational Technology Research and Development, 57(3), 333-357. Riddle, J. (2010). Podcasting in the classroom: a sound success. Multimedia & Internet @ schools, 17(1), 23-26.

42 REFERENCES Siegle, D. (2007). Podcasts and blogs: learning opportunities on the information highway. Gifted child today, 30(3), 14-19.

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