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TRIVIA 1TRIVIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2023456789 101112131415 1617181920.

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Presentation on theme: "TRIVIA 1TRIVIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2023456789 101112131415 1617181920."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRIVIA 1TRIVIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2023456789 101112131415 1617181920

2 1. What planet, never previously mentioned in a "Star Wars" movie, is invaded by the Trade Federation in "The Phantom Menace"? Kamino Naboo Tatooine Sullust

3 2. What color is the Naboo Starfighter in "The Phantom Menace"? White and Red Yellow Blue Black

4 3. In "The Phantom Menace", Jar Jar is a Gungan. True False

5 4. How many action sequences take place simultaneously towards the end of "The Phantom Menace"? 2 1 8 4

6 5. How long was Padme’s term as queen? 4 years 1 year 6 years 8 years

7 6. " Attack of the Clones" takes place on 5 planets. Beginning on Coruscant, Anakin must escort Padmé to Naboo. While there, Obi-Wan travels to Kamino. Anakin returns to Tatooine, then learns of Obi-Wan's capture on a different planet. Where do he, Padmé, and all the Jedi travel for the film's climactic battles? Geonosis Sullust Bespin Back to Coruscant

8 7. What classic "Star Wars" song from the original trilogy is played for the finale of "Attack of the Clones"? “Luke’s Theme” “The Imperial March” “Duel of the Fates” “Title Theme”

9 8. The character (Jedi) played by Samuel L. Jackson is named Mace Windu. True False

10 9. Where does the opening scene of "A New Hope" take place? Alderaan Death Star Leia’s Ship Naboo

11 10. From where must Luke and Han rescue Leia in "A New Hope"? Tatooine Alderaan The Death Star Her crippled starship

12 11. What is Chewbacca's race? Bespinite Ewok Wookiee Gunganite

13 12. Obi Wan Kenobi went by the name "Ben" at the start of "A New Hope". True False

14 13. Tatooine is visited in "The Empire Strikes Back". True False

15 14. What planet does Luke travel to in search of Yoda in "The Empire Strikes Back"? Dagobah Kamino Bespin Endor

16 15. What four-legged "creatures" are destroyed by the snow speeders with harpoons and tow cables in the Battle of Hoth? Probe Droids AT-ST’s AT-AT’s AT-PT’s

17 16. What type of craft did Darth Vader send all over the galaxy to locate Luke in "The Empire Strikes Back"? TIE Interceptors AT-PT’s Imperial Probe Droids Walkers

18 17. What type of creature does Jabba intend to feed Luke and Han to in the beginning of "Return of the Jedi"? Tarantula Reek Sarlacc Ewok

19 18. Jabba the Hutt is strangled with a rope in "Return of the Jedi". True False

20 19. Which of these spacecraft types are not featured in the Death Star battle at the end of "Return of the Jedi"? X-Wing A-Wing V-Wing B-Wing

21 20. How fast did the Millennium Falcon make the Kessel Run in? 8 Minutes 12 Parsecs 1 Light Year 5 Moon Cycles

22 I sense much fear in you…

23 The Force is strong with you!!!


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