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Presentation on theme: "PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Tel Aviv University March-2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ideas for Projects Anomaly Detection of Agent Keep-alive Patterns Visibility of the Directionality of AS-links Fast Route and Delay Stability Analysis Anomaly Detection and Analysis of Active Probing Results Extensive Analysis of the Connectivity of Tier-1 Ases Improving Geolocations of IP-addresses using Correlation between Geo databases and Traceroutes

3 Project #1 Anomaly Detection of Agent Keep-alive Pattern  Analysis of agent’sVisitLog  Find patterns and anomalies  Find statistics

4 Project #2 Visibility of the Directionality of AS-links  Run an experiment that measures between agents  See the percentage of AS-links that are seen in both ways  Aggregate and check if and how it changes over time

5 Project #3 Fast Route and Delay Stability Analysis  Run "fast" experiment between a small set of agents and destinations  Analyze stability and anomaly

6 Project #4 Anomaly Detection and Analysis of Active Probing Results  Use raw_res_trace and _ping and develop techniques to detect anomalies traceroutes with negative RTT delays Loops Inconsistency in delays Repeating delays due to tunnels Extreme lengths Etc.  Find explanations for the phenomena observed

7 Project #5 Extensive Analysis of the Connectivity of Tier-1 ASes  Level3, Global Crossing, AT&T, Qwest, UUNET/MCI  Generate connectivity map as seen from DIMES and compare to the ISP published ones.  Analyze coverage from the AS-level and geo-level  Plan experiments that aim to improve the coverage  Analyze and discuss the coverage issues and improvement techniques

8 Project #6 Improving Geolocations of IP-addresses using Correlation between Geo databases and Traceroutes  Correlate the distances between IP-addresses that are seen using traceroutes RTTs and geo-databases  Filter out traceroute anomalies  Detect inconsistencies and triangulate multiple traceroutes to seek correct geo-location

9 Hints and Tips These are only some project ideas, original ideas are more than welcome! Usage of Google maps (kml) is recommended for projects with geolocation aspects Additional tables exist that were not discussed in class, we can direct you to them based on project needs Any tool/ language can be used for the project: Mysql (queries), perl, python, C, C++, java, matlab etc.

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