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 Plans:  Day 1) Notes: 4.1-4.4/ HW Packet, Assign project and talk about cell cake  Day 2) Cards  Day 3) Cards  Day 4) Review cards  Day 5) Card.

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Presentation on theme: " Plans:  Day 1) Notes: 4.1-4.4/ HW Packet, Assign project and talk about cell cake  Day 2) Cards  Day 3) Cards  Day 4) Review cards  Day 5) Card."— Presentation transcript:

1  Plans:  Day 1) Notes: 4.1-4.4/ HW Packet, Assign project and talk about cell cake  Day 2) Cards  Day 3) Cards  Day 4) Review cards  Day 5) Card Matching Game  Day 6) Quiz  Day 7) Cell Cake  Day 8) test

2  1)LIGHT MICROSCOPE  Common?  Maximum Magnification?  Magnification:  Resolution:

3  2) ELECTRON MICROSCOPE (EM)  How it works?  Maximum magnification?  limitiation? © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.

4  3) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)  What can you study?  How does it work?

5  4) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)  What is it used for?  How does it work?

6  5) CELL THEORY/ SIZE  What is the cell theory?  Why are cells small?

7  6) PLASMA MEMBRANE (CELL MEMBRANE)  What is the cell membrane like? Where are the proteins?  How does it control the traffic of molecules across it?  What things pass over easily?  What things need help? How are they helped?

8  7) PROKARYOTIC CELL  Types of organisms?  Common with eukaryotic cells?  Different?  What do they have on the outside?  Attach to other things?  Move?  What do they lack?

9  8) EUKARYOTIC CELL  What does it have that is missing in prokaryotes?  What are the four functions?  How are they achieved?

10  9) Plant and Animal Cell  What does an animal cell have that is missing in a plant?  What does a plant have that is missing in an animal?  What are the chemical reactions in the cell called?  What are the little organs called?

11  10) NUCLEUS  Function?  What is inside?  How is it kept separate?  What organelle is inside? Function?

12  11) RIBOSOMES  What do they do?  What are they made up of? Who makes them?  Where are they found?

13  12) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum  What does it do?  What does it have on it?  Steps:

14  13) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum  3 functions?

15  14) Golgi Apparatus  Function?  Steps?

16  15) Lysosome  What is it?  How is it created?  Steps?

17  16)VACUOLES  Functions in protists  Functions in plants:

18  17)PEROXISOME  Did it come from the EMS?  What does it do?

19  18)MITOCHONDRIA  What do they do?  How?  Compartments.

20  19) CHLOROPLAST  Process?  Compartments?

21  20)Endosymbiont Theory  What is it?  What organelles is it about?  Why is this thought to be true?

22  21)CYTOSKELETON  Function:  3 types: Functions?

23  22)Cilia and Flagella  Function in multicellular organisms  Function in single celled eukaryotes (protists) and prokaryotes  Structure

24  23)Extracellular Matrix  Function:  Components:  Most Abundant?  Integrin functions

25  24) Animal Cell Junctions:  Functions:  3 Types described

26  25) Plasmodesmata  Type of cells  Function

27 Figure 4.UN03 l. k. j. i. h. g. a. b. c. d. e. f.

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