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War! Country A 4 th largest army in the world The technology of one of World’s two Super Powers Has used poison gas very recently in war Has used poison.

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Presentation on theme: "War! Country A 4 th largest army in the world The technology of one of World’s two Super Powers Has used poison gas very recently in war Has used poison."— Presentation transcript:

1 War! Country A 4 th largest army in the world The technology of one of World’s two Super Powers Has used poison gas very recently in war Has used poison gas on own ppl Country B Will have approx. ½ troop strength of enemy Technology of one of the world’s two Super Powers Has not used poison gas

2 Country A Fighting near homeland and/or on home soil Army recently finished fighting a vicious eight year war Leader has total control over country and has been in power for over a decade Leader has promised the “Mother of All Bloodbaths” Country B Will be fighting thousands of miles from home Lost the last war they fought in Leader has only been in position for about two years and does not have total power over country

3 Who will win? Why?


5 Will it make a difference in your choice if I tell you who the two countries were? Iraq 4 th largest army in the world but soldiers were demoralized and fatigued from eight years of war Poorly supplied and equipped Many troops did not believe in the mission Used Soviet tech – which proved not as effective as American tech Poorly led Afraid to use chem/bio weapons on America America While troops sent over were much smaller in number - much better in quality Better equipped, supplied, and led Believed in the mission Very high morale Brilliant leaders America indicated willingness to retaliate with nukes if necessary

6 “Stormin Norman” Schwarzkopf

7 Iraq


9 Highway of Death

10 What had Iraq initially done that had led to the Gulf War? 1990


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