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The 24-hour news cycle A journalistic culture that values immediacy over verification.

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Presentation on theme: "The 24-hour news cycle A journalistic culture that values immediacy over verification."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 24-hour news cycle A journalistic culture that values immediacy over verification

2 Cable news and the Gulf War CNN founded in the 1980s No one paid much attention until 1991 Breaking news and continuous coverage

3 A mediascape transformed Roger Ailes (left) valued opinion over reporting Internet allowed for constant updating of stories Stage was set for emblematic story of the 1990s

4 Clinton-Lewinsky scandal Unverified assertions via 24-hour cable news and the Internet Many of those assertions turned out to be true Media never examined underlying premises

5 Kovach and Rosenstiel “The never-ending news cycle” –A tendency to talk about allegations rather than wait for verification

6 Kovach and Rosenstiel “The never-ending news cycle” “There are no more gatekeepers” –If a news organization tries to maintain its standards of verification, it will be beaten by another outlet

7 Kovach and Rosenstiel “The never-ending news cycle” “There are no more gatekeepers” “Argument is overwhelming reporting” –Commentary is the predominant media feature of the modern media environment

8 Death in West Virginia TV journalists like Anderson Cooper reported a miracle Official statements, but unverified News cycle helped new media more than old

9 Death in West Virginia

10 The Boston dailies

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