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Support Staff Professional Portfolio Presenter: Mrs. Shirley J. Delgado M. A. Literacy Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "Support Staff Professional Portfolio Presenter: Mrs. Shirley J. Delgado M. A. Literacy Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support Staff Professional Portfolio Presenter: Mrs. Shirley J. Delgado M. A. Literacy Coach

2 You don’t need to write anything down except

3 Important Information This information will be posted on the Ferris wiki page under Instructional Workshops There is a hand out on the table that serves as a cheat sheet of the 7 components required for your portfolio. As you go through the components remember that you only need to have the first items listed. Anything listed under supplemental artifacts is extra and strictly your choice if.

4 to document for evaluation purposes to support mentoring and coaching to stimulate self-reflection and professional conversation What is the purpose of the professional portfolio? Preparation & Development of Professional Portfolio

5 The portfolio should be constructed to contain several examples of your professional practice.

6 Artifacts are evidence that supports compliance of a component. What are artifacts?

7 I. Resume & Certifications II. Data Reports III. Evidence of Extended Activities IV. Family Advocacy VI. Professional Development & Acknowledgements V. PIP & Evaluations VII. Community Relations

8 1. Resume & Certifications A current resume Copies of certifications Supplemental Artifacts: – Cover letters – List of references – Educational philosophy – Summary of your current job description

9 2. Data CIT- Weekly Logs Guidance Counselors – Monthly Logs Child Study Team – Summary of case load per year Nurses – Annual Log of incidents Social Broker – Annual Log Student Assistant Counselor – Monthly Report Instructional Coaches – Monthly Report Collaborative Consultant Teacher – Weekly Log Librarian – Facility Weekly Log and Weekly Log Community Aide – (See Ms. Alford) Supplemental Artifacts: -any other reports not listed above ***If you are unsure of what these logs and reports are see Ms. Alford.

10 3. Evidence of Extended Activities (Provide a dated list of only what applies to you, present and past involvement count. ) List of sports you coach List of clubs you advise Extra instructional services you provide (Saturday HSPA, 9 for 9) List of positions held in committees List of students you provide with extra tutoring after school hours Supplemental Artifacts: – Participation in community service projects – Participation in school events

11 4. Family Advocacy Phone log of calls made home Log of parents that attended meetings with you at school E-mail log of e-mails shared with parents, teachers, administrators, or other support staff regarding your students’ performance Supplemental Artifacts: – Welcome back letters sent home – Letters sent home explaining your role in the school or your policy – Any pamphlets or handouts given to teachers, parents, or students

12 5. PIP & Evaluations Evaluation Reports for the current school year A copy of the previous year’s PIP for everyone not new to the district Supplemental Artifacts: Any informal observations recorded Surveys

13 6. Professional Development & Acknowledgements Certificates received for professional development you have attended for the cycle List of professional development workshops conducted by you List of the current school year’s professional development hours List of awards received Letters of recommendation Letters of appreciation Supplemental Artifacts: – Information you received at the workshops you attended – Copy of handouts given by you at your workshops – Thank you cards – Letter from a parent or colleague thanking you for your countless efforts

14 7. Community Relations Flyers of co-sponsorship with community organizations A contact list of community organizations that work with your office Supplemental Artifacts: Pictures of events or a list of events that show involvement between Ferris and the community coordinated and or participated by you

15 Thank you for your time. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask Mrs. Delgado.

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