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Ch. 18 Insurance Law Pages 318 – 339 Insurance Fundamentals Property and Casualty Insurance Life and Social Insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 18 Insurance Law Pages 318 – 339 Insurance Fundamentals Property and Casualty Insurance Life and Social Insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 18 Insurance Law Pages 318 – 339 Insurance Fundamentals Property and Casualty Insurance Life and Social Insurance

2 Ch. 18-3 Life and Social Insurance Life Insurance – contractual arrangement under which an insured promises to pay an agreed-upon amount of money to a named party upon the death of a particular person. Exemptions – provisions that exempt the insurer from liability when death is due to certain causes, such as the crash of a private airplane or scuba-diving.

3 Life Insurance continued… Incontestability Clause – prohibits the insurer from refusing to perform due to misrepresentation or fraud after the policy has been in effect for a specified period of time…usually one or two years. If due to age…it is modified to be correct representation If due to suicide before the limited one or two years of policy…premiums are paid to beneficiary

4 Social Insurance Primary is federal government’s Social Security Act. RSDHI (Retirement, Survivors’, Disability, and Health Insurance) Unemployment compensation

5 Retirement Insurance Eligible person checks as early as age 62 Amount of the check is a percentage of the full retirement check available between age 65-67 Full retirement is 65 if born in 1937 or before Full retirement is 67 if born in 1960 or later Checks are meant only as supplemental income, not sole support of retirement

6 Survivor’s Insurance Survivors of a person eligible for benefits under the system also may receive benefits if they are A widow or widower age 60 or older A widow or widower of any age if caring for a child under age 16 or a child that is disabled A dependent child

7 Disability Insurance A severe, long-lasting disability that prevents the eligible person from being able to do “any substantial work.” Loss of both arms, legs, or a leg and an arm Heart and lung diseases that cause pain or fatigue on slight exertion Progressive cancer Brain damage resulting in loss of judgment or memory Loss of vision, inability to speak, deafness

8 Health Insurance Indemnifies against the cost of medical care necessary to regain physical well-being after an illness MEDICARE – two basic programs Hospital insurance, helps pay for hospital expenses and the costs of follow-up treatment Must enter a hospital for treatment Must have enough work credits and be age 65 or older (under age 65 if on permanent kidney failure or covered for an extended period of time under Medicare) Medical insurance, pays for items not covered by hospital insurance Physicians, surgeons, ambulance charges, X-rays, radium treatments, lab tests, surgical dressings, casts, home visits by nurses or therapists Patients pay relatively small yearly deductibles, and then medical insurance generally pays either a large percentage or all of the costs of the covered services.

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