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"Digital Systems"1 7-segment Numeric display b a d g e c f.

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Presentation on theme: ""Digital Systems"1 7-segment Numeric display b a d g e c f."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Digital Systems"1 7-segment Numeric display b a d g e c f

2 "Digital Systems"2 Karnaugh (K) Maps 0132 4576 12131514 891110 00 01 11 10 00011110 CD AB Recall: To represent decimal values 0-9 requires 4 binary digits Variables ABCD each represent one binary digit electrically Four wires means 16 possible values Four possible values for two binary digits 16 possible values for four binary digits (we only use 0 through 9 for a digital watch) Each entry is one possible combination of ABCD e.g. 6 is ABCD=0110

3 "Digital Systems"3 The F-segment 1110 1111 #### 11## 00 01 11 10 00011110 CD AB This segment Goal: Determine for which values the segment is lit, and for which it isn’t # is Don’t Care These don’t matter, since display will never have this value

4 "Digital Systems"4 The F-segments code 1110 1111 #### 11## 00 01 11 10 00011110 CD AB f-segment On for every number except 2

5 "Digital Systems"5 The F-segment 1110 1111 #### 11## 00 01 11 10 00011110 CD AB

6 "Digital Systems"6 Wire it up! A B C D

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