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RHETORIC This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use.

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Presentation on theme: "RHETORIC This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use."— Presentation transcript:

1 RHETORIC This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law. Further use of these materials and this presentation is restricted.

2 What is rhetoric? Brainstorm definitions

3 QUALITY WRITING What are the qualities of a good piece of writing?

4 Can you separate a piece of writing from the writer? YESNOQUALIFY yes, but… (or)no,except…

5 RHETORIC The study and use of the available means of persuasion for a given audience at a specific place in time. Successful rhetoric =effective communication

6 RHETORICAL TRIANGLE Audience Subject Speaker/Writer

7 SUBJECT Author evaluates: What he/she already knows What he/she needs to know Investigates perspectives Determines evidence/proof/support

8 AUDIENCE Author speculates about the reader’s: Expectations Knowledge Disposition toward subject

9 SPEAKER/WRITER VOICE TONE STYLE As a result of decisions about: Language (formal or informal) Syntax (sentence structure) Genre/Organization Persona-character of the speaker (speaker is not always the author)

10 ARGUMENT Conversation (not a fight) Issue upon which people may potentially disagree Author makes a case Supported by claims, evidence, explication Includes the appeals Anticipates counterclaims

11 THE APPEALS “In the human experience, emotion, logic and judgment are inextricably mixed, and we make continual cross-references between and among them” (Burroway).

12 THE APPEALS Pathos Ethos Logos

13 LOGOS LOGIC Appeal to logical thinking Use clear and reasonable premises and proofs

14 ETHOS Credibility Good character Good-Willed Well-informed Connect to the readers “A good man speaking well.” (Quintilian)

15 PATHOS Appeal to emotions and interests of reader Powerful Immediate

16 EXAMPLE OF CROSS- REFERENCES OF APPEALS You’re just sulking. (I pass judgment on your emotion.) What do you think of this idea? (How do you judge this logic?) Why do I feel this way? (What is the logic of this emotion?) It makes no sense to be angry about it. (I pass judgment on the logic of your emotion.)

17 ACTIVITY Text rhetorical analysis Soapstone Appeals

18 WORKS CONSULTED Burroway, Janet. Writing Fiction, A Guide to Narrative Craft. New York: Pearson. 2007. Print. Wynn Perdue, Sherry. AP Summer Institute Packet. 2009. Print.

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