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 Refers to a noun (called its antecedent) that usually comes before the pronoun  Ex: Roberto feels that he can win the race.

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2  Refers to a noun (called its antecedent) that usually comes before the pronoun  Ex: Roberto feels that he can win the race.

3  1. Personal ◦ Refer to people and things ◦ First person- the person is speaking ◦ Second person- the person is spoken to ◦ Third person- some other person or thing

4  2. Reflexive ◦ Formed by adding –self or – selves to personal pronouns ◦ Ex: myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves, yourself, yourselves ◦ Hisself and theirselves are NOT words ◦ Ex: I found it myself.

5  3. Interrogative ◦ Used to ask a question ◦ Ex: which, who, whom, whose ◦ Ex: Which of those books did you read?

6  4. Demonstrative ◦ Used to point out a specific person or thing ◦ Ex: this, that, these, those ◦ Ex: Theresa, is this yours?

7  5. Indefinite ◦ Often does not refer to a specific or definite person or thing ◦ Ex: Everybody will select someone to help with everything.

8 1. Mrs. Edwards always writes her comments at the end of essays. 2. Jorge and Derek said they need a ride to school. 3. The gym was decorated more than it had been in previous years. 4. The mother woke up her children before they could wake up on their own.

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