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“THE SEASONS. THE WEATHER.” Вчитель англійської мови СЗОШ№ 1 Анісімової Н. О.

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Presentation on theme: "“THE SEASONS. THE WEATHER.” Вчитель англійської мови СЗОШ№ 1 Анісімової Н. О."— Presentation transcript:

1 “THE SEASONS. THE WEATHER.” Вчитель англійської мови СЗОШ№ 1 Анісімової Н. О.

2 Spring is green Summer is bright Autumn is yellow Winter is white

3 Now we’ll talk about the seasons and the weather 1. What is the weather like today? 2. How many months are there in the year? 3. Are there four seasons in the year? 4. Do you know winter months? What are they? 5. What season is it now? 6. Are there leaves in the trees? 7. When can you see the flowers? 8. Are there clouds in the sky? 9. What colour is the sky?

4 I group: 1. Some people like… a) summer and autumn b) summer and spring 2. December, January and February are… a) summer b) autumn c) winter 3. The nights are…… in winter. a) short b) long c) cold 4. It is ….. when we get up in the morning. a) dark b) light c) warm 5. The grounds are … with snow. a) brown d) green c) white 6. Boys and girls like to… a) swim in the river d) lie in the sun c) skate and ski.

5 II group 1. Winter is a … 2. The days are … 3. The fields are … 4. Sometimes it is … 5. People wear … 6. You can see a lot of III group Retell the text.

6 Now the first group will try to make up as many sentences as you can. find Igo to the park. When the weather is coldmy friendlie in the sun. hotwegoes to the river. warmchildrenread books. badmy parents

7 The second group: will choose the right sentences and write down them, please. 1. There are ten months in the year. 2. There are thirty days in February. 3. The winter months are December, January, February. 4. Christmas is in July. 5. The summer months are June, July, August. 6. School begins in September. 7. The nights are short in winter. 8. The days are long in summer. 9. The trees are green in winter.

8 The third group will read the composition and find the mistakes. MY SUMMER HOLIDAYS. I like summer holidays very much. The days is long in summer, the nights are short. The schoolchildren does not go to school. They don’t do their homework. I like to play in summer. I like to play hopscotch and hide-and-seek. I sometimes goes to the country to my grandparents. I always help my grandmother and my grandfather in the garden. After the rain I likes to jump over the pools. My grandmother don’t scold me. She loves me and I loves my Granny too.

9 You can see word-combinations, make up the sentences. hot snowyI When the weather iswetmy friend good rainy

10 Talk about the weather. Ask and answer about the weather in other cities. What is the weather like in ….? It is …. What is the temperature there? It is … … degrees above zero. Ankararainycold20 Kharkivsunnywarm27 Kyivcloudycool23 Simferopolsunnyhot30 Zaporizhzhiawindycool22 Lvivsunnywarm25 Donets’kcloudywarm24

11 Put the sentences into the right order. 1. What is the best time for apples? 2. The apples are ripe. 3. It was a lesson of Natural History at the small village school. 4. In autumn it often rains. 5. In summer it is hot and there are many flowers in the field.

12 True or false. 1. It is a lesson at a large school. 2. The lesson is about spring. 3. There are four seasons in a year. 4. In autumn there are a lot of apples 5. The best time for apples is spring. 6. The best time for apples when farmer is not at home.

13 Домашнє завдання I, II groups: Task 2 p. 130 (read and translate) III group: Task 2 p. 130(retell)

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