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Special Hazardous Materials Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare/Terrorism Agents.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Hazardous Materials Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare/Terrorism Agents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Hazardous Materials Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare/Terrorism Agents

2 NBC Agents s Pose a risk to emergency responders s Threat level increased after Cold-War s Documented cases world-wide s Local target enviroment very high s Emergency responders under trained

3 Nuclear Agents Fission device: Not likely Thermonuclear reactions cause wide spread destruction Radiological dispersal device: Explosive device laced with radiological agent. Radioactive fallout and debris. WATCH OUT FOR SECONDARY DEVICES!

4 Biological Agents Very easy to “build”. Inexpensive... Use increasing… Rapid, wide dispersion Panic driven histeria! Difficult to I.D. in the field. s Ricin s Anthrax s Tuleremia s Cholera s Encephalitis s Plague s Botulism s Staph Enterotoxin B s Alpha Toxin s Saxitoxin s Tetrodotoxin s Tricothene mycotoxin

5 Chemical Agents Chemicals, designed by humans, to kill or disable humans. …and we’re supposed to be civilized... s Nerve agents s Blister agents s Blood agents s Choking agents s Irritants

6 Chemical Nerve agents s Sarin (GB) s Soman (GB) s Tabun (GA) s V agent (VX) Similar to organophosphate insecticides...

7 Chemical Blister agents s Mustard (H, HD) s Lewisite (L)

8 Chemical Blood agents s Hydrogen cyanide (AC) s Cyanogen chloride (CK)

9 Chemical Choking agents s Chlorine s Phosgene

10 Chemical Irritating agents s Chloropicrin s MACE (CN) s Tear gas (CS) s Capsicum/pepper spray s Dibenzoxazepine (CR)

11 Response Critical Factors 1. Awareness and hazard/risk assesment. 2. Use any and all personal protective equipment. 3. Decon early and carefully. Then aggresive EMS. 4. Contact authorities and HMRT as soon as possible.

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