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World History Mr. Kallusingh.  Renaissance means rebirth. It was a rebirth of society, mainly Greek and Roman  The world changed from rural to urban,

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Presentation on theme: "World History Mr. Kallusingh.  Renaissance means rebirth. It was a rebirth of society, mainly Greek and Roman  The world changed from rural to urban,"— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Mr. Kallusingh

2  Renaissance means rebirth. It was a rebirth of society, mainly Greek and Roman  The world changed from rural to urban, and people began to emphasize self before society

3  Milan- was on a major trade route, had a well organized government that was setup by Visconti family and Francesco Sforza  Venice- was built on trade and run by aristocrats, became an international power  Florence- run by the Medici family and was the birthplace of the renaissance

4 Milan Florence Venice

5  Humanism- the study of the classics, which is ancient Greek and Roman grammar/ rhetoric/ poetry/ philosophy/ history

6  Leonardo Da Vinci- Mona Lisa, Last Supper  Michelangelo- Sistine Chapel, Sculpture of David  Raphael- Virgin Mary, School of Athens  Jan Van Eyck- first to use oil  Albrecht Durer- copied Italian ideals, Adoration of the Magi


8  Dante- Divine comedy that talks about the soul’s journey to salvation  Chaucer- writes the Canterbury Tales  Christine de Pizan- writes The Book of the City of Ladies that talks about women rights  Machiavelli- writes the Prince that is about how to be a ruler  Castiglione- writes The Book of the Courtier that explains how to act in public

9  Johannes Gutenberg made the printing press which allowed for manuscripts to be more abundant  What are going to be some of the effects of the printing press on society?

10  Where did the Renaissance start?  Then it moved to Europe due to trade and the printing press  Famous writers emerged like Erasmus and More who wrote Utopia  Famous painters emerged especially from the Flemish school

11  Problems with the church were the pope was more concerned with politics than he was spiritual matters, church officials were more concerned with making money (indulgences), they did not know how to help people get salvation  Important people early were the Christian humanist like Erasmus

12  Martin Luther nailed the ninety-five theses to the church to complain about the many problems he witnessed. He was excommunicated and made an outlaw  Ulrich Zwingli brought about the idea of abolishing relics and images  John Calvin introduced the idea of predestination  King Henry VIII wanted an annulment but the pope refused

13  Eventually the Catholic Church realized they had to make changes or lose all their followers  The church leaders came together at the Council of Trent and made changes; no more indulgences, faith and good works for salvation, kept seven sacraments, kept Eucharist, kept clerical celibacy

14  Copernicus- presented that the universe was heliocentric(sun) not geocentric(earth)  Kepler- proved Copernicus was right  Galileo- invented the telescope and proved all objects fall at the same rate  Newton- he discovered the laws of motion and gravitation  Other Ideas that were discovered were calculus and chemistry, the microscope was invented as well

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