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Introduction to the Balance of Payments

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1 Introduction to the Balance of Payments

2 Balance of Payments Financial Account: money crossing borders to buy/sell assets, bank deposits Capital Account: tiny Current Account: trade in goods & services, investment income, current transfers Two sides must balance! A deficit on one will be matched by a surplus on the other.

3 Current Account Trade in goods Trade in services
Net Income flows (interest on foreign bank acc’ts, dividends on share held in foreign companies Net Transfers – payment from one gov’t to another (development aid, EU membership subscription payments)

4 Financial Account Financial flows – investment from one country to another (UK firm buys factory in India), purchasing of foreign shares/bonds Bank deposits across borders Official changes in gov’t foreign exch. reserves *Should offset the current acc’t balance!*

5 Total goods and services Current Account as % GDP
UK current account £ billion Trade in goods Trade in services Total goods and services Total net income Current transfers Current Account Current Account as % GDP 1970 0.0 0.5 0.4 -0.1 0.8 1.60 1980 1.3 4.4 5.7 -2.4 -1.7 1.7 0.80 1990 -18.7 6.6 -12.1 -4.7 -4.8 -21.6 -3.80 2000 -33.0 15.0 -18.0 2.0 -9.8 -2.8 -2.60 2002 -47.7 19.6 -28.0 -8.9 -18.4 -1.70 2006 -76.6 35.8 -40.7 9.5 -11.9 -43.1 -3.20 2010 -98.5 58.8 -39.7 23.0 -20.1 -36.7 -2.50

6 UK Trade Account Data What do we export and import?
£ billion, 2010 Exports Imports Trade balance Food, beverages and tobacco 16.1 33.5 -17.4 Basic materials 7.3 10.3 -2.9 Total oil 31.3 36.0 -4.7 Total semi-manufactured goods 80.2 88.3 -8.1 Motor cars 17.2 20.0 -2.8 Other consumer goods 20.6 47.4 -26.8 Intermediate goods 40.6 52.6 -12.0 Capital goods 35.1 48.4 -13.3 Ships and aircraft 10.6 15.5 -4.9 Total finished manufactured goods 124.2 184.0 -59.8 Total 265.7 364.2 -98.5

7 What about trade in services
£ billion, 2010 Exports Imports Balance Transportation 20.3 18.7 1.6 Travel 21.0 32.4 -11.4 Financial services 42.2 10.7 31.5 Royalties and fees 8.7 5.3 3.4 Other business 52.2 28.5 23.7 Total 171.1 112.3 58.8 Other business includes law, management consulting, engineering, research and development, advertising etc.

8 Exports and Imports as % GDP (2010)

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